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A soft voice whispers in my ear. A warm hand touches my shoulder, shaking it gently.

"M'lady, wake up."

I crack open my eyes, blinking sleepily. Looming over me, and yes I do mean loom, was a larger male. His hair was a bright white and soft looking, falling gently over golden eyes. Admittedly, golden eyes aren't the weirdest thing I've seen... they're still really pretty.

"Mmmhmm?" I mumble, rubbing my eyes with one hand. I sit up on the couch and he takes a seat next to me.

"Mmmwho are you?" Yawning, I roll my shoulders. The uniforms may be tailored but as I roll my shoulders back I can feel the seam tighten. Perfect for momvemnt my well-defined ass.

"My name? I am Reval. A pleasure to make your aquaintence M'lady." He gives me a soft smile.

M'lady this, M'lady that. Damn, if he didn't look like an anime pretty boy i'd call him an incel. Then again, incel is more of a personality type then a look isn't it? Even if the whole greasy, fat, fedora wearing neckbeard thing is a hell of a stereotype.

"Wonderful to meet you Reval." I look around, the room is empty, "Where is everyone Reval?" Wasn't there supposed to be a speech or something after the testing? Where's Aurora? Alexander? Gabriel's here somewhere too.

He gives me another smile and I don't know why but an annoyed feeling fills my chest. Maybe it's the way his eyes squint or his dimples become more prominent. Either way, it feels like he's laughing at me.

"Why, you slept through the headmaster's final speech M'lady." I did what? Wow, I know I sleep like a rock but even that's a new low. "To sum it all up. You have manage Class S, I am your servant, and as thus is my job to guide you around this fine establishment and to your room... should you wish so M'lady."

Servant? Okay, admittedly that one isn't new. I guess being the daughter of a Viscount makes having servants a neccessity. A servant actually talking to me and not being terrified of me is the new thing. Apparently the 'Von Gallowen' name has a reputation. What is that reputation? I don't know, no body's really told me.

But getting into Class S? The top class? Based off of skill alone? Me? Skilled? I thought I was kind of decent but nowhere near good enough to be in Class S. I'm not complaining but still.

"Alright then, take me to my room Reval." He stood, reaching out his hand in a bid to help me up. It was the 'lady-like' thing to take a gentlemen's hand so I did.

Reval's gloved hand was really really warm. Maybe he has a fire attribute? Maybe? Does having a fire attribute make you feel wamer? It certainly didn't help me when I was met with the cold from Maximus' magic but who knows. Not me. I don't really know a lot of things.

"Right this way M'lady." Reval didn't let go of my hand. It probably didn't mean anything and he really was very dizzily warm. Goddess, I'm tired. Weird since I just took a nap but maybe I strained my magic more than I thought during the test.

We wound through the hallways of the castle. Left and right, passing through doors and archways. It didn't take very long for me to feel hopelessly lost. As we went, a pit formed in my chest, dark and foreboding. It just made me feel tired.

At some point, we came across a line of windows. We must be either near the greenhouses or on the outskirts of the building, something like that.

The greenhouse was really cool. Plants are really cool, I like plants. The things they can do is amazing. Plants are so strong. Growing everywhere no matter what the surroundngs are like. From the sahara to the tops of mountains, there's usually some form of plant-life.

I wonder what Reval likes? He's going to be my servant here so it's probably better if we get along. It isn't very fun having a servant who hates you or is afraid of you. I would know, it's the only kind I've ever had.

"What do you do for fun?" I ask, moving my eyes from the windows to look at Reval. He's tall, or maybe I'm short. How tall am I? I don't think I've ever been told my height as Bella. Probably on the smaller size. Most people are taller than me, except Aurora but she's the special heroine person so of course she's going to be short and cute.

"What?" His face screws up, looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

Shrugging, I drop my gaze to my feet, watching myself wobble. I might've fallen if Reval wasn't holding onto me. So maybe it's a good thing he's so close. I'm just tired I guess.

"Like... a hobby. What do you like doing?" Does he not have hobbies? That's not very fun.

Reval huffs, a gruff and kind of annoyed sound. That's not nice, it was just a question. I can almost feel him rolling his eyes. Who gave him the right to be rude to people? He's supposed to be my servant, he should be nicer.

"I don't have time for hobbies." did he just growl at me? He did! What is he, a wild animal? Why are you so rude Reval? I'm tired and kind of achy from the fight with that teacher, you should be nice to me.

We walk in silence for a bit, turning futher into the building and away from the windows. That's sad, I liked the natural light. Or maybe it's magical light? Where are we? I don't know.

"I like plants." I speak up suddenly, Reval jerks and nearly drops me. Careful man, I'm fragile!

"Plants are really neat if you think about it. They're really strong. They can grow everywhere you know! I want to be strong like a plant. Some are kind of fragile but even they have special things about them. Some are posionous or prickly and stuff. My favourite plant is a rose though." I ramble senselessly.

"Is it now?" Reval sounds annoyed.

"Mhm. I guess other people like them for their pretty shape and petals but I like their thorns." I nod my head.

"The...thorns? I... can't say I expected that from you." There was a lit to his voice that sounded... I don't know. I'm too tired to discern emotion from his voice.

"I guess not. Most people expect me to be like the other nobles. The ones who just like pretty things for the sake of being pretty and all that. But I like the thorns anyway. They show not to judge a book by it's cover and stuff like that. They may be pretty but they can hurt." I nod. A soft giggle escapes me.

"I suppose that true." He mutters. I just barely hear him over the fog in my head. "Do you wish to give yourself wholly to your romantic partner like the rose as well?"

Odd way to say that. Also, what? "Nah," I giggle, "My body is a temple which means I should only let men in who I wish to sacrifice in order to gain the favor of Athena." A smile cracks across my face, I love that phrase.

Reval falls silent. A glance at his face and he looks a little... shellshocked? I don't know. Something fluke that maybe. Why are people so complicated?

"Anyway~ I think you should get a hobby!" I proclaim. My phrase seeming to shake Reval from his daze.

"I don't need a hobby." He mutters.

A frown, shaking my heads

"That's no way to live."

The fog consumes me. I drop off into sleep.



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