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When I next wake up, I have no idea what time it is. Though from the light filtering through the windows in the room, I can assume it's sometime during the day.

My head feels fuzzy but I do seem to be aware enough to tell that I'm not in much pain. Oh! Maybe that woman healed my wounds. Her magic was green and glowing n' stuff so it would make sense if it was healing magic. I should thank...what's her name.

I can't seem to remember. Honestly, I can't seem to remember a lot about when I last woke up. Damn, now I feel bad. She helped me and I can't even remember her name! How rude of me.

Or is it really rude? I mean I must've had some sort of head injury and I was really injured. It only makes sense I wouldn't be able to remember a lot, right? Right... I hope she won't be mad at me for that.

A little...thing caught my eye. In the light of the day, it looked sort of like a butterfly. Which is actually kind of weird. Why is there a butterfly in here?

'I am not a butterfly' A feminine voice spoke in my head. I jumped, the butterfl- no Kamala flew towards me. She poked my nose for my comment and I flinched. In the place of pain from my movements, nausea overtook me.

Grimacing, I laid back down, head swimming. 'Nice room ya got here tho' A wispy voice, Notus then, whispered in my ear. Does he always speak like that? Like a voice on the breeze?

'Yep! It's just what us wind spirits sound like' Notus...chirped? It was hard to tell. He landed softly on the bed, just in my vision. Huh, he kind of looks like an angel. How pretty!

'What? He gets angel and all I get is ''butterfly''?' Kamala landed next to him, hand on her tiny hips. They were only about three inches tall, why does that make them look so cute? I guess tiny things are naturally cute.

Kamala seemed taken aback, Notus freezing despite seeming to be constantly moving. They both turned away, 'Fine, you're forgiven' Kamala huffed in response... response... wait I'm not speaking out loud... Are they...? Can they read minds?!

Notus perked up, looking eager. 'Yup! It's how we speak to our wards without other races hearing us!' His wings fluffed up, like some sort of excited chicken. Or is that rude?

'Rude!' Kamala flared her wings. Oh, they're so pretty in the light. Mmnh, I'm tired. Is there any reason I have to be awake right now or can I go back to sleep? I don't think there is so I'm just gonna. I snuggled into the blankets.

The door to the room opens with a creak, you'd think it wouldn't considering how rich this place looks but it does anyway. Either way, it seems I have to be awake now. I bet the original Belladonna didn't have to deal with this. Not that I would know anyway.

Wow, it's been a while since I've thought of my impending mortality. Powers of suppression! Go~ 'That's not healthy' Kamala notes. Does it really look like I care though? Not really, not really.

Do I have to look at whoever just entered the room? Can I just...pretend to be asleep? No, Mother would have my head if I did that.

Opening my eyes, I sit up in bed. The moving of sheets displaces the two fairies standing next to me, I feel more than I see them as they perch behind my ears. My hair would block their view though, wouldn't it? I wouldn't know. Hey, to each their own.

A wave of nausea hits me immediately and I bend forward, holding my head in my hands. I barely notice someone scurry over to my bedside.

Next thing I know, I'm on my back. A cool, wet cloth pressed against my forehead. When did I get here? I thought I was sitting up. Nevermind that, why are my eyes so hard to open? Why does my stomach rebel every time I try to move?

"Ngh" I shift, head pulsing. Soft pressure is applied to my chest, keeping me in place. So there is someone in the room with me then. When did they- right the door.

Light brown hair and bright golden eyes greet me as I open my eyes. Wow, she is... really close there. The girl squeaks, scuttling backward as she seemed to realize I'm awake. Once she leaves my vision, I don't bother to look at her again. After all, that includes moving my head so it's not very appealing.

"Who are you?" My voice cracks a bit as I speak, how long has it been since I've last done that? 'About two days I think!' Notus chirps up. 'The prince and your brother visited you then, remember?' Kamala adds. Right, I nearly forgot about that.

"Ah, I'm Shizuka Konamii. I've been sent to watch over you by Master Gallowen" She, Shizuka-Konamii?- replies, fidgeting nervously. So 'Father' sent her then? Huh, makes me wonder where he is now. Alexander! Where's he? Maybe the family has other estates? 'probably'

"Mhm," I don't know what that noise was. It's close enough to acknowledgment I guess. She- Shi? Ha!- agrees because Shi seems to relax. Only the tiniest bit but apparently I'm intimidating? The previous maids and such thought so.

"Where ar-" I dissolve into a coughing fit. God- well goddess technically- my throat hurts! That's what I get for not drinking water in...a while I'd guess? I don't remember waking up before this since two days ago. That means it's two days since I've last had water at least.

Shi squeaked, scrambling a bit. As soon as I had stopped coughing, she put a glass of water to my mouth. Ah yes, water, the drink of gods. Well, life in general... Ah whatever.

Speaking of Shi...she...that's going to get confusing...I'm going to call her Acorn. Acorn's cheeks were flushed slightly, probably from the apparent mini panic she had when I started coughing. She was definitely calmer now though.

I clear my throat and Acorn startles, we're going to have to work on that. 'What's she so afraid of? Only books should fear you' Notus pipes up... why? 'Why should books fear her' Kamala asks in my place. 'Cause she eats them so fast' I more felt his decisive nod then saw it. This was going to take some getting used to, that's for sure.

"Where is my family?" I ask, voice raspy but my throat hurts considerably less now. Acorn puts the glass down on the bedside, "M-Madame and Master Von Gallowen are at another one of y-your family's estate. Y-your brother, however, i-is in a guest room h-here at the castle" Acron responds, soft voice shaking slightly.

Acorn really seems scared of me. It's odd... I haven't done anything to her. Well, not yet at least so don't hold me to that. Not that I'd hurt but... I'm really just digging a deeper hole for myself, aren't I? 'Yup!" Oh how nice of you. I resisted the urge to role my eyes, Acorn can't hear why I'd do that and I don't want to look crazy. I'm not crazy. No, really, stop laughing at me you two!

Maybe if I smile at her she'll relax? I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that smiling makes you seem friendlier -or something like that- and why would that change here? It wouldn't. So I smile. A cold feeling covers me. Oddly familiar like... didn't this happen when I smiled at Alex? I think it did... curse you my bad memory! A wave of dizziness hit me as I pushed through the cold feeling, the smile fell off my face. If I hadn't been laying down, I would've fallen.

A grimace works its way into my face. Or at least it tries to. I don't let it get all the way, setting my lips firmly neutral. For all I know, a grimace would just scare Acorn more. "You should get some rest heiress" Acorn's soft voice cut through the fog that was setting over my mind, I felt... sleepy.

"Belladonna..." I mutter, feeling oddly tired. Why am I so tired? I was wide awake before. 'Magic~' "What?" Acorn interrupts -actually I don't know which fairy said that- without meaning to. "Call me...  Belladonna" I yawn halfway through my sentence. Whatever Acorn says in reply, if anything, I miss. Drifting into a deep black that seemed oh-so-familiar. Then I dropped, and it all fell away.

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