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WALKING AROUND TITAN, with a few new allies

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WALKING AROUND TITAN, with a few new allies. I started to get nervous. The chance that I will never see my sister again brings chills down my spine. I was not ready to see my father. Everytime, when I thought of my father I would remember the times where he pushed me to train until I couldn't stand. Sometimes he would threaten my life just to push me to be stronger. It felt like you were walking eggshells around him.

"Hey? You okay?" Drax asked suddenly next to me.

I nodded quickly. "Yeah, just thinking," I said, trying not to worry the others.

Mantis came next to me with her antenna's glowing. I moved away from her knowing what Mantis's powers are, I don't feel like getting exposed today.

I went next to Quill who was measuring the gravitational pull on the planet. I crossed my arms and missed Rocket and Groot knowing that Rocket would give Quill a hard time makes me lightly chuckle. I hope they are okay.

I sighed at the thought of them and turned around to see the same boy I met earlier coming towards me. I started to get nervous again, and I hated that I did.

"Hey," we said in unison.

I chuckled at our unison and looked up at him.

He's so cute.

"So Spidey what's your abilities?" I spoke up.

Peter looked at me and gave me a small smile making my stomach turn again.

"I-I'm really strong, able to shoot webs, and climb things. Basically what a spider can do."

I nodded at his answer. "Were you born with those abilities?" I asked curiously wanting to more about him while hearing Tony starting to talk to the team.

"No, it's kind of a long story." Peter paused, "what about you? Do you have any abilities?"

I was about to answer, but then hearing Quill and Tony talk about a plan made me not answer Peter's question, and paid attention towards them.

"Are you yawning?" Tony asked to Drax who was clearly yawning.

"What the fuck does it look like he's doing?" I mumbled under my breath while crossing my arms.

"In the middle of this, while I'm breaking it down? Huh? Did you hear what I said?" Tony asked him.

"I stopped listening when you said, "we need plan." Drax answered truthfully.

"Okay, Mister Clean is on his own page." Tony pointed at Drax.

"See not 'winging it' isn't exactly what they do," Quill spoke up.

"Uh, what exactly is it that they do?" Peter asked us.

"Kick names, take ass." Mantis replied back.

"Yeah, that's right." Drax agreeing with her.

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