Chapter Five

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   After Corvus had left, we continued to play until I heard my mom get home with my younger siblings. The front door opened to show Richard's parents, Mrs. Angela and Mr. Alex, my mom, and my siblings Elizabeth and Mason. We paused the game and headed to the door to introduce Miles.

   "Mom! This is one of my new friends that I told you about," I exclaimed. She turned towards him with a smile.

   "Hello dear, I'm Mrs. Brianna. Who are you?"

   "Miles Carter ma'am," he replied returning the smile. "Thank you for letting me stay over for a bit. My dad said he'd be by to get me in a few minutes." For some reason, the adults gave each other a strange look before Mrs. Angela turned to Miles.

   "By any chance, is your mom Larissa Carter?" He nodded through he looked confused. "Do you mind inviting them over? We've actually been meaning to speak with them."

   "I'll ask," he said hesitantly. The atmosphere change from light-hearted to serious was so sudden I had whiplash. "Mom says she can be over in ten minutes, and my dad can be here in too."

   "Thank you dearie," Mom said. "Please tell them you can stay for dinner if they'd like."

   "Yes ma'am," he answered politely but hesitantly.

   "Now, let's actually start on some dinner. How does pasta sound?" It wasn't too long after that we heard a car pull up outside. Mom opened the door as soon as a knock sounded. Behind it stood a woman with dark brown hair and a man with blonde hair.

   "Hello, I'm Larissa Carter, and this is my husband Ray. Miles said you wanted to talk with us."

   "That I did. It's nice finally meeting you," Mom replied warmly. "I'm Brianna Sanderson. I suspect you were the family to send the request for help."

   Miles' mom looked shocked for a second before her face turned into a relieved look. "I thought you'd never come." The relieved tone became a lot more serious. "Something bad is going to happen soon, and I just knew we'd need your help. Sorry you had to come all this way."

   "We were looking to move anyways, so it wasn't a big deal. Please come sit down. I feel like we have much to talk about." Richard's parents introduced themselves as we all sat down to eat. Lizzie and Mason quickly finished eating and were shooed out since they weren't involved with the situation.

   "Who in your family has abilities, Larissa?" Mr. Alex asked.

   "It's Miles. He just hasn't obtained sight yet which should come as he ages. We began training about a year ago after something happened to his best friend. I fear the threat will attack any day now."

   "Can somebody tell us what is going on?" I asked, tired of being confused. The adults turned towards us as if they just remembered we were sitting right there.

   "It seems your new friend is the necromancer dear," Mom answered. 

   I gave her a surprised look before replying with, "Oh."

   Mr. Ray finally broke the silence when he turned to Mom and questioned if we were the exorcist and the witch, the answer obviously being yes. They all continued talking together while Richard, Miles, and I all stared at each other in shock. How in the world could the necromancer we were supposed to be looking for, be one of the people we became friends with? What the actual heck? Finally the adults addressed us.

   "So it seems we have found out more about the threat you'll need to face. It's a murderer's ghost from two hundred years ago. Our ancestors found a way to stop him, but he has come back for some reason after all this time. We believe he is planning revenge for ending his reign of terror. We fear it may target you three to make sure it won't be stopped," Mom explained.

   I wanted to ask why we had to be the ones to fight. I wanted to find out why they were pushing this huge weight onto the shoulders of fifteen year olds, but I never had the courage to ask. Whatever my mom said next was lost on me. Only a few minutes later, Richard and Miles were sent out the door with their families, and I was going along with my nightly routine. After I hopped into bed, my phone lit up. Opening the message, I noticed a groupchat had been made.

- - -

MilBriCar: That was... something

Disappointed(TM): I can definitely say that was not expected.

MilBriCar: At least we can fight together I guess???

Fashionista: Right 

Fashionista: It would be bad w/o each other

MilBriCar: See you guys tmr

Disappointed(TM): Bye

- - -

   Maybe this won't be too bad.

Oh how wrong she was.

- - -

   The second kill was just as easy as the first. This time it was a woman somewhere in her twenties. She was weak enough that her neck snapped from the pressure. It was easy to drop her body and leave without anyone knowing I was there. Tick tock Ḉ̵̙̰̤̱̥͎̝̒̓̈́̓̏̾̓̑͒̅̉̈́͝͝͝ͅa̸̫̥͓̗͖̩̓̽̅̀͗̈́̋͛̾̈̾͗͜ŕ̶̦̪̟̒́̂̀̇̀̍̔͘͝͠͠͝͠ṫ̸͈͑̎e̸̡̙͍͙͕̥͕͂̔̽̉̈̀̏̎́̈́r̵̻̬̦̦̜͉̫̤̼̙̜̪̖̜̺̙̲̠̓͛̀̀̓̓̈́̅̈́̔́͘͝, you lost round one.

   Let's see if you can win round two.

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