Ending Note

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Thank you for everyone who read my story. I originally took the story from a friend, but after a long time, I made it completely my own. Starting since January, I have wrote, typed, and revised everything. I am so proud of how far I've come with this story and how much better I've grown at being an author. To the few of you who took the time out of your day to read this through, thank you. Also a big thanks to my beta reader Yun. A sequel will eventually come out featuring events in the main four's senior year with even more paranormal shenanigans. If anyone looks forward to it, the title is 'They Never Rest.' Farewell until the next story, Dangan out!

Small note: The flowers in the Epilogue are meant to symbolize new beginnings, acceptance, and moving on. It's basically Corvus telling Sirius that he forgives the other and doesn't hold it against the other.

Flash of Light Finished: December 31, 2019

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