Chapter Nine ~ The Villain's Past

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   I wonder what led me to this point. My life started out normal like everyone else's did. My mother and father both cared for me. I was their little star, Sirius Sallow. I believe I was around five when I met my best friend Noctis Glaceium. Noc and I were attached at the hip from the beginning. 

N̴̨̛̛̪̼̖̦̯̣͇͈̟̹̉̑͆̈́͆͛͌̉̾̒̽̓̋͗͒̀̚̚͝͠o̵̧͙̟͖̝̹̲̖͔̰͍̤͖̭̻̤͓͂͋́ w̵̡͖̦̦̯͍̃̄̓͌̓̑̂̓͌̆̀̑̌̾̚͝ǭ̴̙̠̱n̵̺̭̣̣̺̊͋͊̄̋̌̃̀̿̆̆̎̆̎̂̆͐̍̐̃̊͠ͅd̶̛̛̻̬̥̟̯͖̄̃̊̒̅͒̒͆̆́̇̐͛̀͐͜͜͝ͅē̸̘͓̠͖̼̦̯̘̖͓̘̭͙̬̖̠̱͕͎͉̝̬̘̗͈͔̯̻͛͂̀̓̈͆̍̃̎́̉̆̿̍́̎̀̋̈́͑̚͘̚͜r̶̞̰̠͒̆̋̔̋̈̔ Ï̵̢̘̙̖͍̖͇̰̣̠̯̣̫̞̱̤̝̗̤͕͛̋̇̑̍̂̀͛̋̈̄͑̿̅̄̂̅͑̔̈̎̊͆̏͒̒͗̉̚ ṣ̶̡̡̡̬̦̘̞͖̺͖͉͈͉͔̺̞̲̯̲͇͈̙͇̭̑̈͆̑͐̀̀̑̓̈́̋͂̕͝ņ̶̙̻̫̯͓̺̣̰̻̺̱̥̼̲̺͙̜̬̥͇̈́͑́́̂̐̅̃̒̌̑̈́̈̈́̃͋̀͜͝ͅà̷̧͍͉̖̰̘̹̘̭̥̩͔̘̰̜̥͍̫̲͎̭̱̕ͅp̵̨̢̩̤̹͎̻̳̲̎͂̾͐͑͌̒̽͗͋̊̅̈́̕̕p̵̡̡̢͇̼̘̜͍̗̯̹̬͈̯̘̖̭̳̱̼̼̗̟̭̩͖̜̦̊͊̈́̈́͗̈́̄͑̆̌̍͆̉͐́̅̍̄e̷̡̧̛͇̣͕͓̤̟̝̘̼͌̎͆̔͐̀̀̉́̈́͌̈́͑͂͘d̷̡̲̻̠͇̺̬̼̫̤̰̘͂͌͑̿͆̆̎͌̏̆̌̂͘̚.̸̨̤̥͈̾̿͐̐͛͆̊͑̂̆͌͂̒̒̈́̒̎̔̉̆̓͑̈́̕͠

    He always got along with everyone in our village, even the animals in the surrounding forest. I don't understand why anyone would want to hurt him. We used to play in the field in the forest during the cool summer night in our town. While I was raised to be a hunter, Noc was raised to be a healer. It was more of a woman's job, but he always had a knack for helping others.

   He worked with Millicent Sanderson as the town's healers. God I hate her. I hate her so much. She's the reason he was burned. She blamed her sins on my best friend. She called him the witch, and her pathetic friends William Carter and Gabriel Nelson backed her up on it.

   I made sure he wouldn't die in vain. Noc wouldn't have wanted me to kill, but he didn't want to die either. The trio had me hung for the murders I caused, but even death couldn't stop my want for revenge. So I plotted, and finally, two hundred years later, I could put my plan into action.

~ ~ ~

   Entering my old house was simple, seeing as the parents left the door unlocked in their haste to find their son. Blowing away the bangs that fell into my eyes, I headed up the stairs and into the room of Corvus Sallow. Pale grey walls covered in various pieces of artwork and constellations filled my vision as I stepped inside. Going directly to the closet, I reached in and pulled out a dark grey suit hidden near the back. It was fairly easy to change into, and just as easy to find a small purple ribbon and tie back my hair. Glancing at the entryway mirror, I watched my mouth twist into a dark smile before slamming a fist into the glass, distorting the face staring back at me. The pain that followed was unwelcoming, but the black mist that leaked out of the cracked mirror made up for it.

   The mist followed as I walked outside. Speeding passed me, I watched as in spread through the graveyard that stood next to the house. Silhouettes started appearing, figures so distorted they were not even worth calling human. The dark mist eventually condensed and rushed back towards me. As it stopped just in front of me and began taking a form of its own, I crouched down to its level.

   "Good job Grim," I murmured as the black Irish wolfhound materialized before me.

   Standing straight up once again, I turned to face and address the monstrosities I had created. "Welcome back to the land of the living. I have a feeling you will be enjoying your stay. Now, for the first order of business." Raising my hands to the bright blue sky, I chanted the words, "Et oblinito villa ubi ego mortua est!" The blue filled with dark grey clouds almost instantly as ominous sounds of thunder echoed. If you looked just close enough, one could see a dome of grey spread around the despicable town. 

   I turned my attention back to the monsters. "Now, why don't you go terrify the living? Make them regret the faults of their ancestors!" The disturbing creatures shambled out of the cemetery and to the gate that separated the living and dead.

   "Let's head to town hall Grim. I  think we should inform this place of the reason they'll all be killed. They won't be able to stop this anyway." A cold laugh left my mouth as we headed down the cobblestone path. Icy rain and hail began to pour as we reached the gate.

Ẁ̵̦͆̔̇͐̇̊̈̃̎̄͑̈́̇̑̐̿͘̚͘͝h̷̢̛̬̻̜̘̹̜̰̜̮̰̖̳̥̮͚͈͇͆̈́̿̒̌̃̾̆̐̈́͑̔̈́̅̉̀̊̄̅̚͝a̸̧̛͓͎͕̫̪͙͙͕͚͍̣̙͇̫̻̱̳̹̼̲͐̈́̌̎́̑̑̍͘t̸̛̮̯̯̿̔͗́̂̊͝ å̷̢̪̜͇͍̺̭̥̠̙̥̪͎͉̜̫͛̐̏̏̓̋͋̓̏̑͒̏̈̀̐́̀̾͆̿̆͆̏̑̈́̈͋̊̀̈́ p̴͇͉̞͙̥̜̺̀̽̀̿̓̎͗͛̊̏́̔̅̎̅̈̐̈̚͜͝e̴̛̫͂͑̂̎̄̈̉̏͂̑͂̍̑̅̂͐r̸̡̛͇̼̞͎͚̝͖͎̯̤̠̲͕̥̖̗̠͈̪̟̬̪̗̰̂̊̊͋̅̓̽̓̿͊͌̅͐̈́̎̋̂͘̕f̴̧̪̘̪͛̒̊̋̏̑͋̑̂̽͝e̸̺̔̌̎̑͊̆̓̽͐́̑̍͐c̸͍͈̩͉̠͎͆̂̍̎̅̈́̾̌͗̆̒̽̚͜͝t̴̡̨̛̛̫̯̺̗̯̗͖̗̘̟̜̏̿͊̾̽̀̏̃̔͒̄͗̆̀͆͆͌́̚̚͜͝ d̴̨̨̛̥̯̹̭̘̞̗̣̞̥̼̬̺̙̖̣̯̬̬̽̓̓̀̓̄͂͗̎̀̈͗̓͑̌̂̉̊̎̒͌̾͘̚͝ã̴̧̛̛͎͍̯͓̻̗̦̘͔͔͇̙̤͋̌̔̒̀̔̃̄̊̆͗͊̓̾̕ỳ̵̡̨̧̬̼͍̱̭͓̗̱̼͔̬̻̮̃̀̾̎̌̓͜͝͠ f̵̢̡̢̢̧̳̺͉̯̤̼̯̫̹̺̫̰̬̳̦͉͍̘̰̻̜̈͗͌̂̔̉̀͌͜͝͝ͅǫ̴̧̻̫̮̟̰̦̳͙̤̹̝̬̼͉͓̠͇̭͎̪͙̥̘̤̠̩͕̟͒̌̎̉͐̋̈́̉̚͠ͅr̴̛͍̼̟͚̉̅͆̂͊́̍͌̋̏̎̑̉̔̈́͂̓͑͂ m̴̨̦̗̻̺̯̝̟̙̻̿̐̑̅̃̾̀̎͂ͅą̷̢̢̛͔̩̦͔̜̲͌̄͆̽̓̔̌͌̈́̒̐̔̂̍̅̂͆̈́̌̃̈̍̕͝͝ͅͅs̵̢̧̨̨̛̻̫̠̗̹̫͇̥̪̙͉̦̯̦̘͈͉̲̱̳̯̜͒́̈́͆̽̆̀̆͂̔̌̇̐͐̾̄̔̏͆̎̃͜ͅs̶̜̣̪̖̹̮̬͉͇̰̓̌̔̑͂̐́̔͂̽͘̚͘͝ m̵̡̢̢̧̝̘̭̱͕̦͉̫̱̞̩̼̞̐̍̈́̀̒́̈́̈́̇͑̓͋͌͠͝͝u̴̡̬͔͎̖̫͕͓͖̼̟͖̪̺͙̫̙͚̬̮̾̓̾͒͝r̴̡̡̛͚͎̯͈̒̔͑̈́͂̃̀͒̎̆̑͊̋̔̍͑́̆͗̋̋͗̿̚̕ḏ̶̛̩̹̥̘͚̈́̂́̊̓̾̉̐̊̇͛̓́͒́̐̇͑̐̈́̇̑̐̽͆̍͝͝e̸̡̧͕̪̳̞̥͖̦̻̣̬͕̓r̴̡̛̮͍͖̥̟̣̙̝̭̗̣̟̺̂̍̒͊̒̂̈̈́̽̓̃͗̈̒͜͝͠ͅ

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