Chapter Eight

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   I was woken up at nine by my phone going off. Sluggishly, I picked it up to see Miles calling. With a yawn, I pressed the green button and placed the cold metal against my ear.

   "What's up?" My voice was dripping with tiredness. The sound of harsh, quick breathing echoed from Miles' side, the noise waking me up instantly.

   "He's gone! They can't- they can't find Corvus! The window was found open, but he was so high up, and no one can even find a body! What if he was kidnapped? What if he's dead somewhere? He could be hurt or worse-" Everything was said super fast, and words began to blur together.

   "Miles!" I shouted to quiet his panic. "Calm down. I can't understand anything you're trying to say."

   I heard a deep breath through the phone before he started talking again, much slower this time. "Corvus was reported missing last night. T-they found his window open with no evidence of anyone falling down which should be impossible. The camera in the hall showed nobody leave the room besides his parents. They say it's like he was never in the room at all. Nothing but the sheets were messed up."

   "What do you think happened to him? Could the threat have targeted him because of us?" I asked worried for my new friends safety.

   "Maybe, but how could he have just poofed away into thin air? Something's really wrong about what's going on. I just want him to be okay. He's like a brother to me, and I can't lose him now or ever."

   "We'll get him back. I promise you this Miles. We will get Corvus back."

   A sad laugh echoed from Miles. "Thanks Rita, I needed to hear that. Sorry for waking you."

   "No problem. You'd do the same for me."

   "Yeah. Thanks anyways. See you later."

   "Bye," I said before ending the call with thoughts racing around in my skull. What Miles was telling me wasn't adding up. How could a kid disappear from a hospital without being caught? It should be impossible, but it is obviously not anymore. Miles is right. Something bad is happening and we are most likely going to be in the middle of the mess.

   A knock sounded on my door, bringing me out of my thoughts. I let out a small groan to let whoever was there that they could come in, and Mom opened the door.

   "Hey dearie, we've invited Miles and Richard over later. Their parents and I have decided to keep an eye on all of you, especially with the hospital incident last night. The Sallows must be worried sick for their son."

   "I heard. I'll be down in a few minutes."  After she left my room, I flopped out of the cocoon I had made in my sheets. Shivering from the chilly winter air, I threw on a pair of grey sweatpants and my favorite teal sweater. I fed my fish Olly, Mack, and Red before heading into the bathroom where I brushed my teeth and attempted to tame the mountain of curls that I called hair. Tying it back into a ponytail, I headed downstairs to get some breakfast.

   Mason was heading out to hang out with his new friends in the neighborhood while Lizzy was chatting Mom's ear off about her newest school friend Rosie. It didn't take me long to devour my bowl of cereal and before I knew it, Richard and Miles were already here.

   Richard was almost falling asleep as he stood while Miles was fidgeting around in nervousness.  We all headed into my room and shut the door. 

   "You guys okay?" I asked worriedly. Richard closed his eyes, nodding lazily. He slumped down on the blue bean bag that rested against my wall and instantly began dozing off.

   I turned my attention to Miles who returned it with a hesitant smile. "Not really? I had a nightmare last night, and I'm still really worried about Corvus. I know something is wrong, but everybody is ignoring me, so I can't really do anything about it."

   "That sucks. Hopefully something will get better." I paused for a minute before speaking again. "Do you wanna play some games? I  also put on a movie, I have Netflix,"  I said pointing to the small TV resting on my dresser.

   He gave a small laugh. "Sure, it will also pass the time until Sleepy over there can stay awake for more than five minutes." 

   I put on a random movie, and both of us decided to play Uno. By the time the movie was over, Richard was awake enough to watch the game and add in his own commentary. Putting on another movie, Miles and I finished up our sixth game.

   "You feeling better Sleeping Beauty? Not going to pass out on us again?" asked Miles.

   "I should be good now," Richard responded with a small smile. "My parents were talking to me until really late last night," he explained, pausing for a moment to take what looked like a ring and small piece of paper out of his pocket. "They gave me these. I don't know what they do though."

   "What does the paper say?" I asked curiously. He handed it over to me with a shrug as if to say no clue. The paper had a drawing of an eye and two messages, neither in English. One message was 'Visus donum', and the other read 'Zcw dpesw py zcw uwod'. The first part was obviously in another language, but the second part wasn't even legible.

   "It also came with this ring. My parents didn't know what it did, so that was a dead end." The ring was made out of a grey metal and had an engraving that resembled the one drawn on the note. The iris was made of a clear gem with green and brown forms inside of it.

   Miles finally spoke up where he was looking at his phone. "Google translate says the first part is Latin for 'the gift of sight'. I can't find anything about the second part though."

   "I wonder what it means," Richard murmured before trying on the ring. The second he did so, he  froze. We could only watch as he stared wide eyed at the empty space next to him.

   "Richard?" I asked worriedly. Miles and I shared a look before he walked over and grabbed Richard's shoulders. Said boy gave a small shout of surprise.

   "Are you okay? You spaced out for a moment," Miles asked, concern lacing his voice.

   Richard turned to look at the other boy for a moment before turning back to face where he was staring before. "I think you guys should see this." He removed the ring had held it out in midair. I was about to ask what he was doing when a person appeared out of thin air with their finger in the ring. It was a boy with semi-short black hair, sky blue eyes, and had a slight glowy haziness around him. I tried to jump back, but from my sitting position, I only managed to tip over and hit my head on the carpet. Miles, however, stared at the boy with tears welling up in his eyes. The other was checking out the ring. Richard and I both stared at the two, wondering what was going on.

   Miles was the first one to speak. "C-Corvus? W-what happened to you?"

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