Day 14 - Geeking out over Something

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“Thats so cool!” Mirio giggled, looking at the big book in his friend's small hands.
Tamaki looked up at him, a small smile on his face. Mirio really didn't get how much he loved these things. “It's natural for them.”
The small blond looked at the pictures, on the page, smiling wide. “Yeah! But it's still cool!” he giggled. “D'you think they know what they're doing, or when the caterpillars go into their little nest thing, do they not know what is gonna happen and then whoosh! Poof! They got pretty wings!” he smiled and added a little 'flap flap'

Tamaki snickered slightly, finding the other child's antics pretty funny.
“They may not know what's gonna come out of it.. But they do know how to get there.” he nodded a little, happy with that.

Mmmmmmmmmm yeah sorry guys this is really short. I thought I had this written, but I didn't, and now I have to finish this and a drawing in two hours.

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