Enter HulkPool

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Donovan shove himself Blade's dagger one last time, all the way into his heart, making himself ashes instantly. Among the ashes they've found a key-card to advance deeper into the facilities. Everyone was shedding tears. Even Punisher.

Ghost: (shedding tears) I've had it with such misery and death

But before they couldn't say anything. Mr. X arrived to snatch Blade and Lilith from the group. But suddenly Mr. X received a barrage of bullets. It was Deadpool with a Minigun.

Lilith: Wade?

Deadpool: When we return home, you will sleep in the pike couch for a week!!!

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Deadpool: When we return home, you will sleep in the pike couch for a week!!!

Mr. X pulled himself together

Lilith: That's impressive

Deadpool: I've been waiting to fight a big guy like him

Lilith: Are you crazy? Remember what Juggernaut did to you in your second movie!!!

Deadpool: Since then I've been training by seeing master Zangieff and Master Gouken. And I figured how to harness my...

Lilith: Chi?

Deadpool: My cancer!! I've expose myself with moderated gamma radiation, so I can temper my muscles with cancerous cells the same way Ryu harness the Hadou , so I can increase my strength and defenses. Not even Nemesis or Oni can defeat me like this!!!

Four Eyes: Like a T-01 Tyrant?

Deadpool: Deadpool's Ultimate V-Trigger Technique.  MAXIMUM EFFORT!!!!!

Then Deadpool begins to transform himself hypertrophic harnessing cancer. Until he reaches a Hulk-like Physique.

Ghost:.... Disgusting.

Lilith: Wade?.... Deadpool?

HulkPool: No Deadpool! Only HULKPOOL!!!!

Lilith(worried face): Uh, Oh!

Hulkpool: Hulkpool smashes mischievous Girl!!

Hulkpool roars at Lilith, but then he took down Mr. X with one blow.

Hulkpool: Don't worry, Lilith. Me just screwing with you. Me healing thingie will make me back to normal when i'm tired. Speak of screwing...?


Hulkpool: Me Totally!!! You give me a minute!! Vin Diesel will grow claws!!!

4th wall breaking.

HulkPool: ME SMASH. YOU HEAR MUSIC!!! (It plays 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton)

4th-wall-breaking ends.

As Mr. X achieve host best transformation, Hulkpool reaches from the ground and makeshifts hammers. And the fierce fight begins, in which both contestants have almost the same strength

Hulkpool: Evacuate the wounded!! ME SMASH! (Then he turns to Mr. X) YOU SLEEP, SUN'S GETTING REAL LOW!!!! GO DOWN ALREADY!!!!

WILLOW and März: Seriously???

Then during another fistfight Hulkpool manages to bring down Mr.X. Deadpool Keeps constantly hitting him. As he was about to give the final hit, an energy surge blast Hulkpool about ten yards away. Everyone panicked as the Tyrant was modified with a Tanden Engine. The fight resumes with both enemies having their own advantage. Mr.X a Tanden Engine and Deadpool, his healing factor. Only that Deadpool was slowly returning to his normal self

Hulkpool: WHO WANTS FIST SNACKS?? (Hits Mr. X) YOU DO!!!!

März and Punisher were still in the middle of the combat zone trying to dodge the debris.

März: Now I know what those kids in Jurassic world felt at the best part of the movie.

Punisher: Don't go to the movies much. I prefer reading

März: You and i need to talk!!!

Hulkpool managed to remove Mr.X Tanden Engine from the Tyrant's abdomen while it ragdolls him in similar fashion that Hulk did to Loki in the Avengers movie.

Hulkpool: Just in time.

Hulkpool morph himself back into Deadpool. But his suit is ruined, revealing his exposed torso and with his pre-mutant appearance.

Deadpool: Let's see Chris Redfield doing that.
Lilith: Why are you so handsome?
Deadpool: I recover my normal appearance when i stopped being HulkPool. as much as i would like to die, I don't want to be without you.

WIILLOW: (blushing) Well toned, Deadpool

Ghost: Threat disposed of. Over

Meanwhile someone dropped a rocket propelled warhead with enough punch to destroy the Tyrant's defenses with a note attached to it:It ain't over yet Leon. Yours truly: Ava.

Getting the weapon Leon rushes to the fight zone while Winter Soldier and the rest of his squad deal with the rest of the reapers. Winter Soldier noticed the paper and realized that Ava was really close. Meanwhile, Wesker called Deadpool to his Mobile

Wesker: I don't know how a mercenary of such potential got intertwined with those reprobates, but if you bring me some of Dee's blood I'll double the amount they've paid you.

Deadpool: I only came for my wife. But for making myself perfectly clear, I'll say it in Spanish. "Dónde está la biblioteca?" Which literally translate to "I don't bargain Jill-f***er"

Jill: A**hole!

Carlos: That means "Where's the library". Dumb**it!

Deadpool: SHUT IT!!!

Wesker: You'll pay for that.

The Tyrant, though without it's Tanden Engine, it was eating the body of the reapers trying to mutate in a stronger, faster enemy. But Leon appears Just in time to blow it up, leaving Deadpool and Lilith covered with Tyrant splatter all over them.

Deadpool: That was................ AWESOME!!!!

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