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Heading to the bathroom never felt better. It's not like I actually needed to go, no, but I absolutely hate history with a dying passion. Freely roaming the halls as the light went out, twice, was a bit unnerving. I'm not one to hide the truth, it was a little creepy. On the other hand, now I was free to do whatever the hell I wanted until the power came back.

Tucking my hands in my pockets, I made my way through the dim hallway. There really wasn't anywhere to go by myself. Fishing out my phone I sent a quick text to Atlas, hoping he could get out of his class and chill for a bit. Probably not though; that kid wouldn't rick his captainship for anything; especially my boredom. Worth a try though.

While waiting on a response I decided to head to my locker. I walked slowly; no need for rushing to nothing. My thoughts wandered to art class today, when Ms. Hennigan had us partnered off for a project. Apparently, we're supposed to collaborate together and create any piece of art that described our interactions with our partner. Completely useless, in my eyes, and time wasting.

I was paired off with some girl, Madeline, or Mikayla...something along those lines. She was so annoying though. Every time we spoke it ended up in a disagreement. I don't know what it was but something about her just ticked me off, put me on edge for no reason. I didn't like it, nor her. Even with my dislike, though, I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. Well, pretty annoying that is. That project would be my end.

Turning a corner, my eyes finally saw my locker a little bit away; just down the other end of the hall near the elevator. An eerie feeling came over me as I walked the deserted hall, like someone was watching me. The deafening silence unnerved me and suddenly my pace quickened ever so slightly. Looking around I was sure I was alone, but something wasn't right. Instead of stopping at my locker I kept going, forcing my pace to remain steady. Silently I continued, hyperaware of all my surrounding; taking note of each shadow I passed and straining my ears to hear even the slightest of noises near me. Taking a deep breath, I calmed my mind, "You're just paranoid, Remus."

"You're just paranoid, Remus!" A voice cackled from behind me, making me jump and turn. The sight before me burned a bole into my memories. There stood a demented clown with a wide-toothed smile, holding a short knife. He was laughing, laughing in a way I could tell he was insane, and his smile, a horrifying smile, was all but psychotic. His voice was high-pitched with glee as he raised the glistening knife, "You look pretty popular, let's fix that shall we?"

Seeing this lunatic, I did whatever normal human would do; run the opposite direction. Taking off, I heard that laughter again, my body shaking from adrenaline as well as fear. Were there more? Hard metal colliding with my torso answered my question for me; yes. The force of the collision knocked me to the ground, pain flaring in my abdomen.

Gasping, I held my stomach as I tried to get up, only to wince in pain and be shoved down again. Looking up I saw a smiling woman above me; blonde hair, a bunny mask, and a white outfit, accentuated by the metal crowbar she held. Without hesitation she hit me again, this time with full force directed at my head. I couldn't block it and wound up sprawled on the ground. This time, however, I stayed down; unable to focus. My vision was slightly blurred, going in and out, while the ringing in my ears only aggravated my headache. My eyes closed on their own as I tried to make out the conversation above me.

A honeyed voice ringing through my ears with a pout, "Why can't I just kill him?"

"Because," I recognized the clowns happy pitch, "We need an audience."

A giggle came from Bunny, "How fun. Let's go."

The last thing I remember before nodding off was the sensation of my legs being lifted and the scrape of the floor on my back before being thrown aside and a mutter from above, "How much does this kid weigh?"

Who were these people? Why didn't they just kill me? Why even want to kill me? Did they cause the blackout? Was I being brought to more crazies like them? These thoughts raced through my head as I lost consciousness. One in particular standing out.

Is this some nightmare?

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