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It made sense. After mulling it over I nodded my head in agreement; the basement was our best option.

Looking over Michelle, my eyes roamed her face. That overly joyful nuisance from art class was gone, a haunted shell of fear lying in her place. She had the same blonde hair and warm eyes, but was missing a vital feature; that shining light in her eyes. No matter how annoying and stubborn she was in class, I couldn't deny she had that spark about her. It was the one thing I admired about her.

Now it was gone.

Internally, I decided to get it back.

"Stop staring, weirdo. We need to get downstairs."

Never mind, she's back.

Groaning, I questioned, "How?"

Rolling her eyes like the answer's oh-so obvious, she faces me while getting to her feet, "The elevator, duh. It's only a little down the hall." Thinking about it, it did seem like the easiest way to the basement. About to get up I paused, swatting away Michelle's outstretched hand.

"I don't need your help," I hiss at the blonde, getting to my knees before falling down as a flaring pain erupted in my abdomen. The hand comes again, this time grabbing me and helping me up with no resistance. I could just imagine her eye roll.

The worst part about Michelle? She's usually right.

Once I was upright, I leaned against the wall for some support. The pain was subsiding, thankfully, but my head was still a bit dizzy. Pulling me closer to her, Michelle slung one of my arms around her shoulder to help guide me down the row of stalls.

By the short time it took us to reach the door I was able to continue on my own, thankfully. Placing my hand on the door, I opened it a sliver to take a look out the hallway.


Nodding to Michell, we slowly inched into the hallway. My muscles tensed with every passing step. Tiptoeing to the elevator; my eyes roamed the hall each second.


My body jumped at the sound, turning to see a random locker creeping open.

It's official; I'm paranoid.

Shaking my head clear, I noticed that Michelle seemed just as unnerved as me. She was actually trembling. On instinct my arm pulled her closer to me. Then I remembered it was Michelle; she'll probably bite my arm off her. To my surprise, though, she relaxed into me. This whole situation really took its toll on her.

Finally making it to the elevator, Michelle separated from hold and pressed down on the metal button; nothing.

"The power," Michelle breathed. Right, the blackout meant no power. No power meant no elevator. What were going to do now? Michelle began to pace in thought; silently. Looking around in frustration, a door next to the elevator caught my eye. It was the janitors' closet. Heading to it, I pulled it open to see it was unlocked. Motioning for Michelle to follow I went inside; maybe we could hide out here.

It was pitch black, making me turn on my phone light. Cleaning supplies lined the shelves on the wall, brooms and mops standing against the corner. I heard the door close behind us, sheltering us from the outside. Checking out the layout of the room I made out the indent of a door at the far wall.

Curious, I moved a mop bucket along with some other supplies aside and made my way over. Running my hand along the knob, my fingertips felt the smoothness. Grasping the cool metal, my hand turned it and opened the door. I let out a gasp at the sight, my eyes widening.

Before me was a shadowed stairwell.

The basement.

Turning to face Michelle, I knew she had the same idea as me. Picking her way past the cluttered closet, she came and stood by me. Taking hold of her hand I led the way into the darkness.

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