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My eyes widened in horror at the scene before me. Bloody bodies spread across the floor. Frozen in place, I saw everything. My classmates dying, Carl, Stacey, Rob, Emily...everyone. The screams pierced my ears. Looking around for Michelle, I recalled her bolting at the first sight of guns. She did try and drag me with her, but I just couldn't move. Fear paralyzed me. How could this happen at my school? Aberdeen's boring, in the middle of nowhere, so why?

Seeing the three murderers head towards the door quickly snapped me out of my paralysis and into a panic. The only door close enough for me to reach in time was the guys locker room. Not caring if some naked guys had been in there before, I raced into the room, silently closing the door behind me before leaning against it. My back slid down the cool metal as my legs eased into a position. Wrapping my arms around my legs, I laid my head down as tears began to fall from my eyes.

An eternity seemed to pass in the darkness.

I wipe the tears off my face with my hands; there wasn't any time to grieve. Those murderers were still around the school. My attempt to text Michelle failed; no service. Standing up, I began to pick my way around the locker room; my hands guiding me through the blackness. My priorities were Michelle and escape.

Turning a corner, I wound up slamming into a hard chest; arms grabbing me before I could run away. Just before a scream left my mouth a hand muffled it. My breathing became heavy as the arms tightened around my chest. I closed my eyes, slowly breathing in an out, before rapidly shifting around and kneeing the man. The grip around me failed to loosen as the man let out a string of curses.

"Damn psycho," he hissed in pain, crushing me with his tight hold. My eyes widened at the familiar voice near my ear. Tilting my head up to make out the shadow of the man holding me, I asked hopefully, "Atlas?"

The arms around me slacked, "Wait, who's this?"

"Minnie, Minerva?" my voice wavered, "We have Calc together." My lips curved upward slightly; I wasn't alone. A hand cupped my cheek before I felt Atlas embrace me tightly. Someone survived. He survived. Atlas survived. Hugging him back we stood there for a moment, a tear streaking my cheek.

The echo of a high-pitched cackle jolted us alert.

Listening for any more sounds, it was eerily quiet. Grabbing my hand, Atlas whispered for me to follow before leading me through the unfamiliar rows of lockers. While walking I questioned him, "Where were you? Where are we going? What about everyone else?" He stayed silent, only dragging me along.

I halted in my steps, ripping my hand from his, "We need to get Michelle."

"No, we need to get out of here," he grabbed my wrist as I protested and continued, "I just saw my whole gym class murdered. They have guns, we have nothing. Get out and call the police; that's our best bet."

At Atlas's words my protests die in my mouth; he was right. The best option was to call the police first, I was just so worried for Michelle. Yes, she was always up for an adventure, but she also was always the more precautions one; terrified of any negative consequence. With a sigh I conceded and allowed myself to be dragged by Atlas.

At his sudden stop, my body collided with Atlas's back. We reached the exit to the field. Relaxing in relief, I realize that it'll be fine now. Pushing on the door, Atlas grunts as it doesn't open, pushing harder. Dread fills me as I jiggle the knob. We're locked inside. "Let's push it together," I say, aligning myself alongside Atlas's large frame. Counting down we both push as hard as we can down to one.





The door swings open, but not the one we pushed.

A flash of light flickers between the rows of lockers. Atlas pulls me against a locker as the door we were just at illuminated, "I heard something.'" Pressing closer to Atlas I feel his arms shield me as footsteps echoes through the rows along with flashes of light. As a pair of steps got closer, I felt Atlas inch us around the locker.

"You're hearing things, Boss finished here," a high-pitched female replied.

The second voice was so close, probably just around the locker bend. The pounding of my heart was deafening in my ears, so loud I was sure the others could hear it. I lifted my shirt up, using the fabric to muffle the sound of my heavy breathing. My body was visibly shaking from fear; these people could kill us on sight.

"No, I definitely heard something."

A light tug on my arm from Atlas had us moving again; swift and silent. Inching through the rows of lockers, we used the flashing of the flashlights to guide us towards the door to the gym. Hiding in the shadows, we made our way down the row; switching between them twice to avoid the shining light.

"C'mon we still have some work to do."

The footsteps of the female voice drifted farther away. Halfway to the door, we kept creeping forward. Looking to the flickering shadows to the left showed the light heading to the opposite side of the locker room. We could make it to the gym. Continuing forward, Atlas and I made it almost to the gym door before a flashlight before us turned on and illuminated a smiling man.


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