883 14 2

02: Tongue tied

I'm definitely not hosting a party at my house.

I paused for a few seconds. I made a pivot turn toward the mailbox. I opened the mail box and grabbed the mail, not caring if I crumbled it in the process. I hurriedly closed the mailbox and a pain shot up from my stomach. I cringed. It was hunger pains.

My guess is that I was too anxious the whole day. Maybe I forgot to eat. I unlocked my door, dropped my backpack on the floor, and closed the door behind me.

I quickly put away my belongings. I don't know if I have any more food. Speaking of which, when was the last time I went grocery shopping?

I walked into the kitchen with my mail in hand and placed it on my table as I rummaged through my fridge. I came up with nothing.

I closed the fridge door in disappointment. I'm starting to rethink Al's offer.

I checked the cabinets, and standing there was a single cup of instant ramen.

I set up my ramen, and I patiently waited when a purple envelope with fancy fonts caught my eye. I'm a simple person. I see fancy fonts, and I'm interested.

☆ weekly horoscope reading ☆

I skimmed through the paper until I came across my sign.

This week, an exciting opportunity will present itself! It may be stressful, but keep in mind that you will not be alone.

When you have great opportunities like this right in front of you, disaster is bound to follow.

Keep your chin up and everything will be fine in the end!

~mini time skip~

I sat down at my desk with my laptop open on my right and my headphones in, my instant ramen on my left, and a BTS try not to laugh challenge.

Moments like this make me feel like a greasy Ipad kid.

I had to replay it a couple of times because I kept getting interrupted.

I was watching the Whisper Challenge that BTS did when Jimin couldn't understand the carbonara, but I suddenly got interrupted by a video chat call.

I really don't think I have a choice when it comes to them. I took off my headphones. I know well that one of them might blow my eardrums out.


"Oh my God, guys!" Julia's voice roared through my headphones, "What is it?" Hailey yelled. You could tell she was irritated by Julia's loudness; it sounded like she was sleeping prior to this.

"Are you okay? What happened? " My friend Lizbet yelled at me. I pushed my headphones further down the desk. I could hear them without my headphones on, and the volume was not even that loud.

It's a good thing I put them down.
"Are you guys free for the next 5 weeks?" Julia said, practically squealing with joy.

I don't know. I have to check my work schedule. " Hailey sighed, rolling what seemed like her bed.

The sound of rustling paper could be heard even though her facecam wasn't on.

"Come on, all you do is work, eat, sleep, and complain!" Lizbet said, clapping with each word.

"I wonder why you didn't choose Yoongi as your bias." You guys act a lot like each other.

" I said, as Julia and Lizbet giggled. "Kim Taehyug is mine!" Hailey said, threateningly tapping her screen.

Okay, before you murder her, just let me tell you guys what I was planning! " Julia chirped, happily clapping and spinning around her chair.

BTS is doing a meet and greet! I think we should go! "

"Oh my god, guys, we should totally go!" Hailey said, completely flipping her irritation to happiness, "omg yes!" Lizbet said she almost fell out of her chair but quickly regained balance.

What about you, Y/n? Do you think you're free? "Julia said, turning the whole group's attention to me.

I quickly stammered out an explanation.

"Well, I don't know, guys, I don't know that much Korean, plus what happens if we can't find our way back? What if we can't find a place to stay?"

"Come on, I promise you, nothing will go wrong. Hailey said as her voice softened a bit, "plus don't ruin this for me or else." Hailey said. I could practically feel her burning glare even though I wasn't near the screen.


"Then that settles it. I've already reserved a hotel room for us! Just pack your suitcases, guys, we are going to Korea! " Julia quickly hung up on the video chat, probably to go pack her stuff.

One by one, we said our individual goodbyes.

The video resumed playing. Everyone was laughing.


"Tony Montana?


"Large Bondala"


"Large Beok-Lala?"

Poor Jimin. At least the team had Seokjin to help them out, but I'm still by myself, waiting, but I have my friends.

Well, I'm screwed.

I don't care if it's not Valentine's day I'm still the using the image!!!

Btw my friend Spideyfan17 made these amazing edits

💜 Thank you for all the support it really means a lot! 💜

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