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Soekjin's P.O.V

I rushed to the restroom and hide behind the wall, I glanced down at the caller ID ' Joonie' I felt my eyebrow twitched in announce as I pulled down my mask " Heyyyy....." I said quietly peaking at Y/n table. I really hope they don't go after me again...I already made myself sketchy enough as it is.

" What do you think you're doing?!" Namjoon's voice boomed "Nothing bad in particular, why? what do you think I'm doing." I replied looking over to our table as I gave a small wave which almost immediately I made eye contact with Namjoon.

"Soekjin hyung you know the rules when we're eating out, we have the rules set to keep us safe." Namjoon sighed deeply into the microphone " I know we usually don't go out...but come on even the maknea's are doing better than you right now!" Namjoon explained as a few shouts said otherwise.

"I know but the girl I was with she's the one...the one I met in the cafe!" " Please Namjoon just let me talk to her! Please I beg of you, I'm afraid I might not see her after this...please" I pleaded with him as other people exited the men's restroom while giving me questionable glances

Namjoon was hesitant before answering "..Alright hyung...but you're old enough to make your own decisions, please choose wisely." He ended the call with a click, I quickly fist-bumped the air before fixing my mask. I quickly made my way to Y/n's table.

" Sorry about that it was my boss..." I said taking my seat next to y/n ' she smells really nice. ' the conversation in the table turned more and more like an interrogation session.

"So what do you want with our sweet little Y/n. " Julia said slamming her fist on the table, I could feel a lump form in my throat as I gathered the words in English " I just want to be friends that's all! " I replied rather quickly while trying to ignore the glares they were shooting.

" Guys please give it a rest, I think you're scaring him!" Y/n frowned while giving them a mini-lecture about scaring boys 'She's so cute' I thought as I glanced at her features 'she's perfect, like a real-life angel!'

I could feel my ears burning as I stared at her 'if her friends weren't here I would totally give her a kiss!' As a pair of footsteps brought me back to reality "Jin Hyung..." oh no...I could see around the corner of my eye they stopped talking.

"We're preparing to leave In a little please finish up." Jungkook said sheepishly, a small blush was forming as the tips of his ears turned bright red ' I guess he really is afraid of girls ' as I smirked at the genius idea I have planned " Why don't you have a seat with us!" I chirped with a bright smile as the four girls giggled " come on kook they don't bite~" I teased scooting closer to Y/n while patting at the seat. ' Just know your place this one's mine.'

Jungkook awkwardly stood there for a few seconds ' I guess that cocky bastard is at a loss for words' he looked at me with wide eyes as he hesitantly sat down " this is my good friend Jungkook" I said patting his shoulder y/n's friends greeted him.

" Don't mind him, he just tends to be a little shy sometimes... right kook" I smiled brightly at him "R-right!" Jungkook replied as his hands gripped his knees, he glanced around the table and he made eye contact with Y/n.

Subconsciously my grip tightens around Jungkook shoulder, he quickly winced shutting his eyes. "Hey, are you okay?" Y/n said as she looking over my shoulder to stare at Jungkook.

"Y-yeah.." Jungkook stuttered out before being pulled away out of the booth " You were supposed to get him so we could leave not sit down and chit chat with them!" Jimin exclaimed grabbing Jungkook by the collar and shaking him vigorously even though Jimin is shorter than Jungkook.

"Jimin stop you're going to get us kicked out! " Taehyung yelled running over to the table, he grabbed Jimin by the waist pulling him away. I could feel my eyebrow twitching as Namjoon approach the table and slammed his hands on the table.

" You. me. outside. now!" Namjoon snapped "Chill Joon just let me-" " I SAID NOW!" He yelled dragging me out of the booth "Jungkook give her my number!" I yelled pointing at Y/n the whole restaurant had their eyes on me. " Call me!" I yelled before being thrown out of the door.

Y/n's P.O.V

"What the heck..." I muttered staring at the exit door, I could feel a blush creeping to my face...That idiot...

" Here," Jungkook said looking away from my face as he showed me his phone with Seokjin's number I quickly typed it into my phone, I could feel my friend's eyes on my back.

I stayed sitting facing Jungkook, it seems like Jimin finally calm down he quickly turned his head to me " YOU!" He hissed as he walks towards me he pushed Jungkook out of the way he was standing in front of me " Are you angel?" he asked innocently his whole demeanor changed in an instant. "What?" he ignored me as his face went closer to mine, Taehyung pushed him aside as he did the same thing.

" You! Angel!" taehyung said desperately "Calm down she can't even understand a word you're saying Tae." Jungkook said while crossing his arms, Taehyung took a big breath
" You're the angel that Seokjin hyung keeps talking about!" He said happily

' He takes about me but how?' I swallowed hard as I tried to collect my words " What do you mean?" I asked resisting the urge to facepalm, seriously why did I say that!?

" Cafe he met you there...remember?" Taehyung said I just word started to become quieter as he pulled down his surgical mask, flashbacks of the Cafe flooded my mind. I knew he looked familiar! '' Yeah I remember," I said Softly, I could feel my ears burning as I felt his breath on my face.

A hand was slammed into the state law making both of us jump" Get in the car." Soekjin hissed as the other hand sneaked on Taehyung's shoulder. "Now all of you!" Seokjin snapped.

Seokjin pulled his Surgical mask down to his chin. " Sorry if they made you uncomfortable..." he said his sunglasses started to slowly from his nose "They really don't know what a personal bubble is." He muttered the last part, I laughed lightly he smiled and said in me the sunglasses fell onto the table.

"OH MY GOD!" Julia shouted " No way..." Hailey muttered staring wide-eyed " I...Y/n" Lizbet whispered

Obsession [ Yandere Seokjin x Fem Reader] ◇ On Hiatus ◇Where stories live. Discover now