Are You Happy Now?

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An hour later, I woke a dirty, foul smelling, blood caked Brian because we had reached the agency, only he wouldn't budge the slightest bit.  His head was on my lap and he was too heavy for me to move.  I lost all feeling in my legs within the first fifteen minutes of the cab ride, but I could feel something moist and warm pooling on my leg.

Oh hell no!  I swear if that's drool...

"Brian!" He barely stirred. His glasses did manage to fall off though.

"Brian." I said through clenched teeth.  He still continued snoring contentedly.  I let out a puff of hair in frustration and crossed my arms.  I would have to solve this problem at a certain angle...

"Brian! Get your lazy ass up!" I shrieked into his ear while pinching and slapping his face. 

"Alert, alert, alert! Stranger danger!" Brian screamed.  I cackled.  The taxi driver lightly chuckled.

"Let's go.  Keep the change," I said, after I paid the tax driver $50. 

We headed toward the entrance of the agency.  It was secured by towering iron gates with hidden cameras.  The agency building itself looked like an ordinary building right smack in the middle of the city.  However, the actual agency where all the spies worked was underground.  No one knew of our HQ except for our spies.

I scanned my card, my fingerprint, and my eye and raised an unflattering finger to the camera. Brian followed like a quiet little puppy. 

"Make sure you don't get lost," I called to Brian.  There were many people looking at us with scrunched up faces.  Then again, I was covered in the grime from the sewers and Brian's shirt was drenched with his blood.  I hastily grabbed his wrist and led him to the stairwell.

"Where are we going?" Brian asked.

"Shut up and follow me," I replied back.  I dragged him down the stair case until we reached a door.  It had a sign hanging on a nail that said, "Authorized Personel Only."  I took out the key to open the door and unlocked it.  Brian was still in my grasp and he looked more scared than ever.  He must've thought that I was going to kill him because his eyes widened as a I opened the door slowly  (just to see him squirm).  Behind the ordinary door was an elevator.  I walked in and punched in the floor of the agency.  At this point, Brian was clinging to my arm like a little girl.  Honestly, I couldn't help but feel pity towards Brian.  Because he was captured against his will, he would be thrust into the world of spies.  No one deserved that, no matter how evil they were.  While we were in the elevator, I gave Brian a few helpful tips.

"Okay, kid.  When we get in, don't say a word.  Don't attract any attention.  Don't stand near me.  Don't be intimidated by the other spies.  And most importantly, do not act weak."  He gulped loudly.

"So basically all I can do is walk?" He asked.

"I'm so glad you understood," I retorted.  The elevator opened slowly and I breathed in deeply.  It was show time.

I strolled into the agency with no trouble.  It was bustling with people typing on computers and making calls to other branches of the agency.  People with several files in hand were rushing about the grand room.  Severa; people gasped when they saw me and a broken Brian behind me.  I think I heard a, "What is she doing here?" somewhere.  I glared at every direction possible, showing as much hostility as I could bear.  It was surprising yet refreshing when a nice young lady greeted me.

"Hello, my name is Marissa, and may I say, nice job on your mission!" She grinned, looking at a weary, frightened Brian.  "Though, I think this kid has been scarred for life," she added.  Brian merely nodded furiously in agreement.

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