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I was petting my bichon frise named Mochi who was sleeping on my lap. I thought I could squeeze in a little homework time before I ate dinner, so I piled my textbooks in front of me.

Ten minutes later, I was immersed in my homework.  I was knocked out of my thoughts when my cellphone vibrated ferociously.  I quickly glanced over at the screen.  It said, "AGNY."

Well, I certainly couldn't have someone listed as "Agency" under my contacts. My parents would think I was a stripper or something.

Oh. I have been chosen for a mission. Yay for me.

I swiped the bar up and spoke into the phone.

"Hello?" I asked, dully. 

"Hello Serena. We are calling to inform you that you have been selected on a mission. Will you accept the mission?" A woman's voice began sweetly.  Her voice was so sickeningly sweet that I cringed. 

"It's not much of a choice seeing as it's my job." The tone in my voice completely contrasted the forced kindness in the woman's.  I shooed Mochi of my lap and he jumped onto my bed.

There was silence over the phone.

Now, at first, I was totally psyched about being a spy and all that jazz in the beginning, but that was because I was young.  I mean what little kid says no to becoming a spy? I longed to kick someone's butt (literally) and learn how to shoot a sniper rifle to blow someone's brains out. Long story short, I regret signing the contract I have with the agency.  Unfortunately, I can't get out until another two years.

"Your task is to save a boy, and bring him to the agency.  We need to interrogate him to see if he has any valuable information." The woman continued on without faltering and ignored my attitude earlier entirely. 

"Why can't the boy save himself? Better yet, why can't you get someone else?" The tone in my voice was emotionless, yet there was a tinge of sarcasm.  The woman did not vacillate.

"Because he's being held prisoner, and you're the only spy available." 

A few years ago, when my "career" as a spy had just begun, I would've been thrilled to go on a mission to rescue someone. However, all excitement left me the minute I met the older spies. They treated the younger spies like me as if we were inferior shit, as in secretaries who didn't know how to do their jobs. They made us fetch their coffee. I would not have any of the nonsense they were giving me, so one day I bought hot steaming coffee and poured it onto my supposed "advisor."

"Y'know I have better things to do than-" I tried to say, but the woman harshly cut me off.  Truthfully, I was desperate to get out of this mission. I didn't want to go back to the headquarters, not after that incident (though I can't emphasize enough how much that sad excuse of a spy deserved scorching coffee on his jewels).

"Are you actually going to disobey the direct orders of the agency?" There was bitterness and condescension in her voice, and I had to bite my tongue to keep from insulting her.


"No but's." No amount of meditation could quell the rage inside of me.  She had interrupted me twice, and the sassy side of me slowly showed.

"Listen, woman! I-"

"No, you listen!  You signed your name on the contract missy.  Has your head been hit that hard, or must I take it out once again and show it to you?" I tried to think of a witty retort, but deep inside I knew she was right.  Instead of admitting defeat, I hung up on her.

What a b-i-t-c-h.  If I knew her name I'd be all up in her-.


AGNY.  I never knew how annoying the receptionists at the agency were until now. 

I wonder how much they get paid.

"Hello?" I answered, irked by the previous lady.

"This is the Agency.  We need you to-" The same woman had the gall to call me again.  Only I didn't hear the rest of what she said because I hung up the phone viciously and hurled it onto my bed near Mochi.  He jumped at the sudden impact and jumped into my arms. 

"Two years Mochi.  That's all I need to leave this Hell," I murmured into his fur, and I quickly finished my homework.


Hiya!  Hope you liked this chapter! c; Not much action for now, but that's what the future chapters are for.

~Pitakarot ¬.¬

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