Right Where My Heart Should Be

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It feels like there's a hole in my chest.

Right where my heart should be.

I didn't do anything to that hole. It was right there, for everyone to see. Nobody really did anything. It just got bigger. Until I had notice.

One day, I looked down and saw the hole. I didn't know what to do about it. So, to make sure nobody else saw it, I put a band-aid on it.

But a band-aid doesn't fix a hole. It's still there, underneath the bandage. There is still a hole in my chest, but nobody sees it. 

I'm not quite sure how to fill that hole. Something's missing, and I don't know what it is. But that kind of hole cuts deeper than a blade, and it leaves scars. Big, ugly scars that show people what you were, what you did, how sick you are. The scars that I try to cover up with a bandage.

But that doesn't fix anything.

Cause there's still a hole in my chest.

Right where my heart should be.

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