Fire on fire

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-That thing was really disgusting. I mean, someone's saliva? A big bucket of it!- Thor laughed.

-I know. We get weird stuff all the time.- Loki giggled.

-But still, it somehow astonishing to see you working.- Thor said as they walked down the hall.

-I still think it's weird.- Loki frowned.

-No. It fits you.- Thor protested.

-Loki, I need you to sign this.- one blonde, beautiful secretary approached Loki and possessively put a hand on his upper arm.

-No problem.- he said and signed.

-Thanks. See you later.- she giggled.

Loki simply nodded and focused on Thor again.

-God, those people are like hungry wolves. And they're everywhere.- he hissed for himself.

-You look really tense.- Loki said as they entered an empty living room.

-No, I... It's fine.- Thor said.

-I know what your temper tantrum looks like, I'm not crazy, Thor.- Loki said while untying his messy bun. –I just don't know why you are like that.-

Thor raised his hand and touched Loki's hair. After a couple of moments, he snapped out of it and put his hand back in the pocket.

-Do you want me to be honest or well-mannered?- Thor asked.

-Honest.- Loki fired without thinking twice. He quickly tied his hair into the messy bun again.

-I was jealous.- Thor explained. –Agent Omari is completely under your spell and the hot, blonde lady wants you in her bed.-

-I know.- Loki laughed. –I mean, I noticed that you're jealous but I didn't know about Omari and Amelia.- Loki tilted his head, confused. –Their behavior does make more sense now.-

-I'm sorry. I know I have no right...- Thor was interrupted. Nat came in, holding little Unn. Quill was with her too.

-My daughter is here.- Loki's voice turned into honey. He took Unn into his arms. Thor, Quill, and Nat chatted a little bit before Nat and Quill left. God of thunder approached Loki.

-Do you have kids?- Loki quietly asked.

-No.- Thor answered. He smiled when little Unn grabbed his finger and squeezed it. Loki lifted his head, surprised by Thor's answer.

-I thought you're supposed to get married.-Loki said.

-I introduced something called democracy to Asgardians. They don't need my marriage or kids anymore.- Thor explained. He looked at their reflection in the mirror. Loki, Thor, Unn... That's the family I want.

-I have to go.- Thor gulped and turned around.

-Thor.- Loki called his name and he stopped. –Don't disappear again.-

-You want me to stay?- Thor asked.


-Then, I'll see you tomorrow.- Thor smiled and left the room.

-You need to eat, sweetie. Yes, you do...- Loki started talking to Unn.

Since Loki asked for it, Thor stayed. But unanswered questions were hanging in thin air between them. Thor decided not to push anything. I already got far more from what I deserved, he thought to himself. Too scared to lose this mysterious friendship he has with Loki now, blinded by guilt and self-hatred, Thor decided to be thankful for the crumbs he gets from his ex-lover. Daus passed and turned into weeks. It was getting harder for Thor to act like he's just an old friend. 

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