/chapter twenty-six/

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A Melwood Story
Chapter 26

(sorry for the short chapter)


Life with a newborn and three other kids has been difficult, but we're working through it.

I've had work the past couple days, but today Chris is leaving to go to New York for five days, so it'll just be me, waking the kids up, taking them to school, then going to work with Sofia since she's only two months old and too young for daycare.

"Mommy!" Lulu calls from the top of the stairs. "Nya is wearing my socks!"
I keep Sofia in my arms as I walk over to the bottom of the stairs. "You have lots of socks, Lu."
"I want those ones," she protests.

The baby in my arms starts crying. I rock her gently as I walk up the stairs to Nya's bedroom.

I push open her door. "Nya. Are you wearing Lulu's socks?"
"No, they're mine," Nya tells me.
I sigh, and turn to go down the hallway where Chris is packing his bag.

"Nya and Lulu are fighting over a pair of socks and I'm too tired to argue, could you sort it out?" I ask Chris.
He looks up from where he's sitting on the floor, packing his suitcase. "Sure."
"Thank you."

He goes down the hallway, as I sit on the bed with Sofia. "What am I going to do without your daddy here to help me?"
In response, she makes a small baby noise.
"I know," I whisper.

Chris leaves at six in the morning, forty five minutes before I have to leave with the kids.

"I'll miss you," he whispers in my ear, his arms wrapped around me.
"I don't know if I'll make it without you," I whisper back.
"You will. I believe in you," he says, holding me at arms length, looking me straight in the eyes.
"Your confidence in me will not make the kids behave better, but thank you."
"It will."

"See you in five days," I say.
"I love you," he says, then turns and leaves through the front door.

Once Chris leaves, I collect myself, then feed Sofia. After I'm calm and tears are past me, I head to the kitchen to make the other three kids breakfast.

I put three bowls of cereal on the table, then two seconds later, all three kids are at the table like they were waiting for me to do so.

"Are you picking us up early?" Nya asks.
I place a sandwich in one of the lunch boxes. "No, not today."
"Please?" Nya begs.
"I have errands to run, so not today, Ny."
She groans, then goes back to eating her cereal.

At 6:45 a.m. all the kids are in the car. We're halfway down the street when Sofia starts crying.

"Make her stop," Lulu whines.
I sigh. "Nya, could you get a toy out of this bag and give it to Sofia please?" I grab the bag from the passenger seat next to me and hand it to Nya.
She takes a toy out and occupies Sofia with it until we reach the school at 7:15 a.m.

"Have a good day!" I call after them as they pile out of the car.
"We will!" Nya calls back as she closes the door.

I've been driving for almost five minutes when Chris calls.

His voice comes over the cars speakers. "Hey."
"Hi, how's it going?"
"The flight got delayed for a little while. How'd it go with the kids?" he asks.
"I just dropped them off at school, but the ride there wasn't as calm as it usually is since Sofia was in the car this time."
"Hopefully it will go better tomorrow, then," he says.

I nod, then realize he can't see me as I pull into the grocery store.

"Well, I'm at the grocery store now, so I'll talk to you when you get there?" I say.
"Sure," he says. "Have fun. I love you."
"I love you, too." I hang up.

"Time for your first visit to the grocery store, Fia," I say as I take her out of the car.


Being in New York without Melissa or the kids is strange. I wish they were here with me, but the older three have school and Sofia is too little to fly on an airplane just yet.

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