/chapter thirty-one/

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A Melwood Story
Chapter 31


This isn't happening. This can't be happening. I don't need this right now. Later, maybe in a few years when Chris is home and fine and a real father. But not now.

I lie on the paper bed as I wait for the doctor to come back in. Kaleb is asleep in his carrier and Sofia is at the hospital daycare.

I glance at the clock. The kids are out of school in thirty minutes. I won't make it. Not at this rate.

I text David Harewood first. Are you working/busy right now or in the next hour or two?
He texts back three minutes later. No I'm not working or busy for the rest of the day. Is everything alright?
I sigh. I'm at the hospital and three of the kids finish school in thirty minutes. I won't be able to make it there in time. Could you pick them up and bring them to Los Angeles Community Hospital?
He replies, Of course. What school do they attend?

I send him the school address just as the doctor comes back in. Dr. Lawson. Claire Lawson.

"So, Ms. Benoist," the doctor says. "The tests came back positive. You're pregnant. Congratulations."
I sigh, resting my hands on my face. This shouldn't be happening.
"Ms. Benoist, if there is a problem, I can set you up to talk to someone about the different options you could go through with."
I lift my head up. "There's no problem. Could I have an ultrasound today?"
Dr. Lawson smiles a little bit. "Of course."

After a couple minutes, the small baby pops up on the screen.
"It looks like you're about eight or nine weeks along," Dr. Lawson says. "And the baby looks healthy."
"Okay, good," I say, then glance up at the clock school ended five minutes ago.

Dr. Lawson sees me looking at the clock. "If there's somewhere you have to be, I can finish up now."
"No, no, it's fine," I say. "My kids school ended five minutes ago and I don't know yet if my friend picked them up yet."
"Oh," Dr. Lawson says. "If you don't mind me asking, how many kids do you have?"
"Well, I have three that go to school, one in daycare and my son, who's right there," I tell her. "I've only give birth to four of the five though, if that's why you're concerned."
"It's helpful to know," says Dr. Lawson, then smiles.

The doctor leaves the room just as my phone buzzes. A text from David. We're here.
I'll be right there, I respond.

I pick up Kaleb's carrier and open the door, making my way down to the lobby.

Dr. Claire Lawson
(change of point of view)

"She's pregnant," Claire says.

Claire's patient, Melissa Benoist just turned the corner on her way to the elevator. Claire immediately calls her boyfriend to tell him the news that she wasn't sure she'd be able to deliver, given one of her colleagues fought her to do the ultrasound.

"Did you ask how many kids she has?" her boyfriend asks.
"Five, not including the unborn child," Claire informs him as she moves into the bathroom.

"So she's had four, almost five kids with that guy and they've only known each other for what four, five years?" says her boyfriend, thinking out loud.
"What do you mean?" she asks.
"Well," her boyfriend says. "She had a kid with me, possibly if she decided to keep it in the end."
"You have a kid?" Claire asks, astonished.
"Like I said, she might've had an abortion or given the kid up for adoption after I left," her boyfriend says.

"You left her?" Claire says, trying her best to keep her voice down.
"I had to, I didn't want to be a father."
"So if I get pregnant, you're going to leave me?"
"No, Claire."
"I have to go, Blake. See you later," says Claire, then hangs up.


"Thank you so much for getting them," I tell David.
"No problem," he replies, smiling.

I squat down and look at my kids. "How was school?"
"Good," they say together.
"Good, okay," I say, standing back up.

Nya, Lulu and Max resume conversation about some show they watch.

I look back at David.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
I go a little closer to him so the kids won't hear, but I keep my eyes on them. "I'm pregnant."
"Oh," he says, surprised. "Are you happy about it?"
"I love all my kids, it's just that..." I start. "Chris just left for who knows how long, and I'm doing this by myself. Raising our kids."

"Well, if you ever need my help, just let me know, okay? You're not alone in this world, there are people that are willing to help you."
I smile. "Thank you, David."

He touches my arm lightly. "Call or text if you ever need anything."
"Okay," I say. "I will."
He turns and walks back out the front doors of the hospital.

"Okay you three, let's go get Sofia and then we can go home," I say.
They all nod as we head over to the daycare.

—that night—

I just finished making dinner when the doorbell rings. Three pairs of feet come dashing down the stairs to see who it is.

We haven't had a visitor in awhile, so I say, "go wait in the dining room, I'll be there in a minute."
They don't argue, going into the dining room a second later.

I open the door, almost dropping the oven glove from my hand when I see who it is. How does he know where we live? How did he find us?

"Blake?" I ask.
"Hey, Melissa," he says.

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