/chapter thirty-two/

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A Melwood Story
Chapter 32


"Uh," I start. "What are you doing here?"

How could he just show up after this many years away? How?

"I just wanted to check up on you," he says, a faint smile touching his lips.
I glance behind me where the kids are distracted in the dining room.

When I look back, he's looking behind me.
I close the door more. "What do you want?"
"Did you keep the baby?" he asks.

He should at least know. "Yes."
"Oh," he says, looking surprised. "Could I see him or her?"
No. I think. Definitely not.  "I don't think that would be a good idea. Sorry."
He smiles, showing his teeth now. "I hope the kid finds out the truth and wants to meet me."
"'The kid' knows," I tell him.
His head turns to the side. "Knows?"
"Yes," I say. "Knows that the father that raised him or her isn't their biological father."

"Okay," he says, obviously still surprised. "Well, congratulations on your pregnancy."
My mouth hangs open for a second, but I close it right after it opens. "How do you know?"
"Whoops," he says, putting his hand over his mouth, the smile never leaving his lips. "Was that a secret?"

I stay silent, not knowing what to say. I haven't told anyone but David. Not even my parents or my sisters.

"Anyway," he says. "That's now, what baby number five?"
I almost correct him, but I realize that he doesn't know about the twins, and I'm going to keep it that way.
"So...?" I ask.
"So, have you just gone around having kids with random men since I left you?" he asks, tauntingly.

I don't want to keep having this conversation with him right now, with my kids in the next room. "Look," I say. "I've got to go. I have mouths to feed, so if you'll get off my property and never come back, I would greatly appreciate it."
He bows his head down. "Touché."
"Goodbye, now," I say.
"Bye." He turns and leaves.

I shut the door, leaning back against it.

Nya comes running towards me. "Who was it, mommy?"
"No one important, Nya," I tell her. "Let's go eat dinner."
"Okay!" she exclaims, then runs back to her brother and sisters.

—around six months later—

"Nya Anne! Let's go! Now!" I yell up the stairs.
Almost a minute goes by when she comes dashing down the stairs.
"Sorry, mommy!" she says.

She slips her shoes on, then stands back up. "I'm ready."
"Okay, have fun with Aunt Chyler," I tell all five kids. "I'll see you in one week."
Max, Lulu, Nya and Sofia come up and hug my legs.
"Why do we have to leave?" Lulu asks.
"Mommy has to go to the hospital and have our baby sister," Nya tells her.

"Why can't we come?" asks Lulu.
"I wish you could, Lulu," I say.

"Okay, say goodbye to your mom," Chyler says, Kaleb in her arms.
"Bye, mommy!" they chorus together.
"Bye," I say, holding back tears. "I'll miss you guys so much. Have fun and be good."
"We will," Nya and Lulu say together.

I wave them out the door. "I love you guys, okay? Don't miss me too much."
Chyler smiles. "You'll be okay. Enjoy the quiet for a little bit. I'll take great care of them."
"Thank you so much."
"Anytime," she says, then closes the door behind her.

As soon as they're out of the driveway and out of sight, I sit down on the couch and let the tears escape from my eyes. It had to be done.

There was no way I was going to take care of and watch all five kids while giving birth.

Chris is still not back. He's been gone for around nine months now. I haven't heard a word from him since the last text message the morning he left.

I have to go to the hospital to have this baby that's still inside of me. I've been a wreck the past couple days because this baby is the last part of Chris I have since he's left and after she's born, I won't have any new part of Chris.

Also, Chris may never meet her. If he ever comes back, maybe. He could be anywhere. Maybe he's started a new family with someone else, though I doubt it. Nya is his absolute world. He adores that child and he would never move on without fighting for her. That's all I can hope for now. That he'll come back for her.

—two days later—

"She's beautiful," the nurse says as she checks how the baby is doing. "What's her name?"

I gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl almost an hour ago.

"Adaline Elizabeth," I tell the nurse.
"Adaline. That's a wonderful name."
I smile. "Thank you."

Around five minutes after the nurse leaves, my phone starts ringing. It's my mom.

"Hi, mom," I say after I answer the call.
"Melissa! Sweetheart!" she exclaims, a huge smile plastered on her face. "Have you had the baby?"
"Yes," I tell her, facing the camera down to show her Adaline.
"Aw, Melissa, she's absolutely gorgeous!"
"She is," I agree.
"What name did you go with?" she asks.

I've been discussing names with her for the past couple months after I found out the baby was a girl.

"Adaline Elizabeth," I tell her. "With an A instead of an E like you told me to go with."
"So you went with the runaway husbands sisters name for a middle name and Adaline, spelt with an A instead of an E?"
"Yes, mom."
"What did you do with the last name?" she asks.
"Hyphenated it. Benoist-Wood."
"That's a bold move, Mel."
"Well, if he never shows up again, I don't want her to just have his last name."
"I know," she says. "It makes sense."

My phone starts ringing again, this time it's Chyler.

"I've got to go, mom. Chyler is calling."
"Okay, sweetie! Recover well, I love you," she says.
"Bye mom, I love you too," I say, then hang up.

I answer Chyler's call. "Chyler? Is everything okay?"
She smiles. "Everything is fine, Mel. How are you? Have you had the baby?"
I sigh, relieved one of the kids hasn't fallen down stairs because they were being chased by another kid. It's happened. "Yes, she's here."
"Wow! Can I see her?"
I tilt the camera down to the sleeping baby in my arms. "Here she is."
"Look at that face!" she exclaims.
"Her name is Adaline," I tell her.
"Aw, Adaline. That's cute."

"So, how are the kids doing?" I ask.
"Great," she says. "You raised them, Mel. Of course they're fantastic."
I roll my eyes slightly. "They've been through some stuff recently with Chris."
Chyler glances around quickly, then looks back at the phone. "Why? What happened?"
"Chris has been gone for awhile," I tell her. "He left me with the kids and he has no idea about Adaline. I found out after he left. That's why I needed someone to look after them for a week."
"Well, that's not great," she says.
"No, it's not."

"Well, I'm sure David told you this too, but we're here for you. Raising six kids alone won't be easy, but I'm here if you need me. So is David and probably anyone you ask."
"I know," I say. "Thank you."
"No problem. I have to go, but take care. I can't wait to meet miss Adaline."
"Okay, bye. Thank you again."
She hangs up with a last goodbye.

I sigh, resting my head against the bed, reality slowly setting in. I have six kids. How did this happen?

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