/chapter twenty-nine/

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A Melwood Story
Chapter 29


While Melissa holds our son, I sit on a chair next to the bed, looking at our beautiful baby boy.

Something in him makes me want to tell Melissa everything. Seeing this human that she just brought into this world wants to make me open up about what I've been going through emotionally.

"I have to tell you something," I say to Melissa.
She nods, but doesn't look up from the baby. "Yes?"
"I want to tell you why I've been so distant recently."
She nods again. "Okay."
"When we met, I was already a father and you were almost about to become a mother," I say, still looking at our son. "We never got to be alone together, to get to know each other from anything but our children. And lately, I've been finding it hard to..."
There's a silence before Melissa says, "to what?"
I hesitate, not sure if I should go through with this. "Love you for just you."

She looks over at me now. "So, what are you saying?"
"That I need a break from the kids and you, so I can regenerate and find my love for my wife."
She doesn't say anything for a couple minutes.

"Melissa?" I ask.
"When are you leaving, then?" she asks.
"In five months," I tell her. "After Kaleb isn't a newborn."
She doesn't respond again.

"What are you thinking?" I ask.
"That my husband is going to leave me with our new baby and four other kids."
"No," she says. "It's fine. I get it."
"Are you okay with it?"
She shakes her head. "No, I won't ever be, but I want you to be better and if you think this is the way, then go for it. I just wish we could've fallen in love the way you would've liked."

"I'm sorry, Melissa," I apologize.
"No," she says, resting her hand on my arm. "Hey, I want you here. With our kids, but I want your happiness first. You can't do anything if you're not happy."
"Thank you," I whisper.


I don't want Chris to leave, wherever he's going. If he really just loved me, he wouldn't have to go somewhere to realize that love. I want him to be here, I want him to be with his kids, but I want him to be a better father for our kids most of all.

Our son, Kaleb is three days old today when we are allowed to take him home.

When we get home, Max and Lulu are standing by the door, waiting and Nya is trying to hold Sofia behind them, but she's barely holding on.

"Hey, you four," I say, touching Lulu's hair lightly.
"Hi mommy," they say together.
"Where's baby brother?" Lulu asks.
I look down and push the blanket off the carrier Kaleb is in. "This is Kaleb Christopher."
"Kaleb?" Max says.
"Yes," I say, glancing back at Chris.

Chris goes and takes Sofia from Nya, so she won't drop her.
"Can I hold him?" Nya asks.
"Sure," I say. "You just need to sit down first."
Nya jumps up and down. "Okay!"

—that night—

I'm sitting in the rocking chair I bought for our room with Kaleb when Chris walks in.

"The kids are in bed," he says.
"Good," I say, rocking Kaleb lightly, not looking up at Chris.

"I wanted to talk about the other day," he says, sitting down on the bed.
I look up at him. "What about it?"
"You've been acting different since I told you."
"How am I supposed to act?" I ask.
"Like I didn't say anything."

"I can't just pretend to forget that you told me you don't love me anymore," I tell him as I still rock Kaleb gently.
He shakes his head lightly. "I didn't say that."
"Basically, you did."
"I still love you, Melissa," he says.
"Then why are you leaving?"
"I need a break."
"Dads and husbands don't take breaks."

He sighs. "I just feel lost, and I think that if I take a break and just go away from where I spend everyday, it might help a little bit."
"I understand."
"So, you'll act like nothing happened?"
"I'll try, but it probably will not work."

After Chris goes to bed, I take Kaleb downstairs to feed him, but end up staying there for the rest of the night, thinking.

"How am I supposed to raise and take care of my kids if my husband doesn't love me like he used to anymore, Kaleb?" I tell Kaleb as I lay him down in his crib that I brought downstairs for him earlier this morning.
In response, he makes a grumbling baby noise.
"I know," I whisper. "I know you don't understand and you're just a baby, but one day, you'll have problems of your own and I'll be here, even if he's not. I will be there for you. I promise, Kaleb."

His eyes close as he falls asleep, and I stay there for a few minutes too long, watching him, before I fall asleep on the couch myself.


I wake up to no one else in bed but me. Again.

I hear a faint scream from downstairs, followed by laughter. Max and Lulu.

I check the time. 7:47 a.m.

Walking down the stairs, Nya comes dashing down from behind me.
"Hey, dad," she says as zooms past me.
"Good morning, Nya," I whisper, but she's already too far away to hear.

When I enter the kitchen, it's kind of crazy. Lulu and Nya are chasing each other around the kitchen island. Max is trying to help feed Sofia and Melissa is holding Kaleb while she tries to pack lunches for the three older kids.

"The kids are going to be late," Melissa says, not even looking over at me.
"Okay," I say. "Nya, Eloise, stop running and get your shoes on."
They stop, mid-run and look over at me. By the counter, Melissa looks over at me. Everyone goes silent.
"What?" I say.
"Well, dad, it's just that you haven't said something that demanding in like forever," Nya points out.
"Well, I am now, so go get your shoes on," I tell them as I walk over to Max. "You too Max. I can finish feeding Sofia her breakfast."
Max nods, then runs off with the girls.

Melissa laughs a little. A small laugh.
"What?" I ask again.
"I can't believe you just came in and acted like an actual father after these past couple days," she says.
"I'm trying to be better."
She just nods, then turns back to making the lunches.


I'm so glad that people are enjoying this story! I just wanted to drop in and say that this story will only have 40 chapters:)

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