/chapter thirty-four/

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I just wanted you guys to know, this chapter doesn't mean I have something against Chris. He is an amazing actor and director and overall person. The way this story has gone, has NOTHING against him. Please keep that in mind and don't comment anything rude. Thank you.


A Melwood Story
Chapter 34


"Goodnight, Lulu," I say. I kiss her on the forehead lightly, then move across the room to Nya. "Goodnight, Nya."
"Goodnight, mommy," they say together.
"Sleep well." I close the door and move down to Max and Kaleb's room.

"Goodnight, boys. Sleep well," I say.
"Goodnight, mommy," Max says.
"Goodnight," Kaleb says, his voice muffled by the blankets pulled over his head.
"I love you two." I close their door and make my way over to Sofia and Adaline's room.

When I open the door, Sofia is lying on the ground colouring and Adaline is standing in her crib watching her.
"Sofia?" I say. "What are you doing? You're supposed to be in bed."
She looks up. "Sorry, mommy. I want to finish my drawing."
"You can finish it tomorrow morning," I tell her. "Get in bed, please."
"Okay, fine," she groans. She gets up and slides under her blankets.

I go over to Adaline, lay her down in her crib and whisper a 'goodnight, sleep well' before I go over and do the same for Sofia.

I close their door gently, then go and sit downstairs. It's 7:30 p.m. Chris is supposed to come back tonight at 9 p.m, but that's suggesting that he even shows up.

There are six bedrooms in this house and when Adaline was born, someone had to share in order for their to be enough room. But, even though Nya and Lulu were looking for an excuse to share a room, they thought it wasn't fair their brothers and sisters didn't have to share rooms, so I decided they were all going to share rooms and the extra two bedrooms are now a play room and an office or guest room.

At exactly 9:03 p.m. I hear a gentle knock on the front door.

"Hey," he says when I open the door.
"Hi," I say gesturing to the porch chairs outside.

He moves back a little as I go first to sit down.

"So," he starts once we've both sat down. "How are you?"
I think for a moment before answering. "Fine."
"Just fine?"
"Well, if you wanted me to, I could tell you why saying I'm just fine is better than what I actually am," I tell him. "So, how are you? How was your trip?"
"It was good, I met some great people, I saw some amazing pieces of art, ate good food." He smiles as he lists the great things and events of his trip to Paris, France.

"Why were you gone for so long?" I ask.
"I was going to come back on your birthday, the same year that I left, but I got an offer to go to Scotland and Ireland, so I decided to stay."
"Instead of coming home to your family?"
"If I had come back and I still wasn't in the right mind-space it would have all been for nothing. I decided to stay longer for the better of my family."

I don't say anything.

"Why didn't you tell me your were pregnant?" he asks.
"You left."
"I would've at least liked to know."
"Sorry," I say. "I would've at least liked to know you were leaving."
"Melissa," he starts to say.
"No, it's fine. You're back here."
"I am truly sorry," he says. "I should have made different choices and now..."
"You've made the choices you've made already," I tell him. "You can't change them now."

"When can I see the kids?" he asks.
"Well, it depends if they want to see you."
His head turns towards me. "What do you mean?"
"Nya doesn't know if she wants you to come back. The other kids are either too young to understand the situation or they just miss their dad. One of them hasn't even had a dad."
"Nya was my daughter from the start. She's always been and you're saying she doesn't want me near her?"
"Not that she doesn't want you near her, she's afraid you'll hurt her and her siblings again."
"You need to tell her I won't her hurt or her siblings," he says, pleading.
"I will try, but I probably won't work. Nya is ten years old now, she has her opinions and there's not much anyone can do to sway them."

"The girl you were holding when you opened the door earlier today, what's her name?" He changes the subject.
"Adaline. Adaline Elizabeth."
His eyes widen for a second. "Elizabeth?"
I nod. "After your sister."
A light smile touches his lips.

Then it fades again. "I wish you would have told me about the pregnancy. I would have come back for a little while to help out."
"Then you would have left again and caused all kinds of confusion in the little kids."
He nods. "I guess you're right."
"I got help from friends with the kids, so it was fine. I managed it."

There's a silence.

"When you said you met 'people,' what did you mean?" I ask.
"I met some people who were really nice," he says, but there's something in the way he says it that I think there's more.
"When you left, we technically weren't together, so you can tell me. I don't care."
He sighs. "I met a nice woman. If that's what you're asking." He doesn't look at me.
"So, that's why you stayed so long."
He almost denies it, but stops himself. "Yes. And because she didn't have any kids. It was refreshing to like a woman without kids."
"So, you fell in love with her?"

He shakes his head. "I love you."
He reaches for my hands, but I pull them away. "No," I say. "I still don't trust you."
He pulls his hands back. "Do you not love me anymore?"
"I worry for our kids, okay? When their father left, it was just me. They depended on their mother for everything. If I say the words you want me to say now, they need to also have love for you. It's never just been me, and I know that's why you don't love me the way you loved that girl you met. Just give me time now. Let me have time to think this over."

"I want to be with you and our children," he says. "But, if you want space, I'll be back in a week or two."
"Okay. Thank you."

He gets up, kisses me on the forehead gently, then walks down to his rental car. "See you soon."
"Goodbye," I whisper, but he's already in his car.

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