♢The Panaggiyas♢

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A/N: "As a student, I shouldn't put myself into stress for a healthy life, so for this chapter, I'm gonna join the Panaggiyas Festival of the Pearlest Island!!!"
"I have been into festivals before but not as grandiose as this... Ooh! I'm so anxious!!"
"Oh! This stand is where Atia asked for a rice, they have rice wafers in different shape! That stand over there is where they have asked for the pineapples for the eating contest! And my favorite is--"
*runs near a stand*
"--Their beautiful and sparkly merchandise!!!"

"Young lady, if you want to look around in our stand, we could label it for you!!

This is a Boar Tusk Bracelet, like its name, the materials were from a boar-like creature living on the trough of a mountain.
Fasdira Paperlaces, made from a leaf of a Xygra tree, can be used as a keychain and as a dreamcatcher.
Wash Whiteshell Chime, is made up of polished and shaped shells and, like the name, it's a chime.
These bags and purse is made of Tuba Vines, a fine vine usable for weaving durable items.
Tinarosa, is a clip made of floral designs out of the Xygra tree's leaves.
Agate necklaces, in a variation of any color are all carefully shaped and polished into a shape of the sampaguita flowers.
And lastly, is Capian Lotus, a figurine made of carefully shaped and polished shells. It is also luminescent, young lady!"

A/N: *pulls out magic pen* *shapes purse of gold*
"I want all of them!!"


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