♢A Story From Another Past♢

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I have been sent into a mission by the Capital to investigate a strange occurence on a mountain near the Ingere Village.

I have never undergone any training by my mentors back at home as they have let me learn things on my own as if it was something they have learn to me. Well, no one can become an adventurer if they can't learn on their own...

The complains was something about a strange smell as if something is decaying, it was obviously because of this dragon corpse that was not even burned down by a blockhead. Fantastic!
Well, I haven't got all day-- so I burned the dragon corpse with my sword-- pretty surprising that this is an undead dragon...
But since I still don't got all day, I just changed the intensity of my fire...

Not sure how many wyverns and dragons had fled from that forest, but the problem was solved...


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