Its 5:30 in the morning roll out of bed after being woken up by my alarm clock.
I was tired after staying up all night listening to diane talk about chase asking her out.
I yawn while walking over to my closet and I pick an outfit for the day.
I sit my clothes on my bed and head into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for school.
After I get done with my shower i get dressed
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and then I get a facetime call from Payton.
I answer. "Hey babe." I say smiling.
"Helloooo cutieee." He says smiling back.
"Are you ready for school?" I ask while walking downstairs and grabbing my bag.
"Yeah I'm on my way to your house to walk you to school." He answers.
I walk out the door and lock it to Payton in my front lawn.
I hang up ,run over to Payton and hug him.
"I haven't seen you in forever!" I say.
"I literally seen you at school just friday." He chuckles.
"I know, but it feels like forever." I say while laughing
He laughs and takes my hand and we walk to school.
When we arrive to school we find Anthony.
"Sup guys" he says walking up to us.
"Nothing much." I say with a huge grin.
"I know that smile, what's going on?" Payton says.
"I got teaaaaaaa!!" I squeal
"C'mon and spill it." Anthony says.
"Okay okay I'll tell you, Chase finally grew some balls and asked out Diane." I say.
"That's good for him I'm happy for him." Payton says.
Anthony mumbles something under his breath but we couldn't hear him.
"Hm?" I say.
"Uh um its nothing... it's just...never mind just forget it." He stumbled upon his words.
"Yoh need to say something just say it bro you can trust us." I Payton says.
"I know I can trust you but i dont know about her loud mouth." He says referring to me.
I put my hands up in defence. "Cmon I wont say anything." I say.
"Fine but you can't tell diane or chase." He says.
I nod in agreement.
"Okay, well i like diane but I'm still happy for the two of them just as long as he treats her right I'm alright with it I just wanna see her happy." He says.
"Does she know?" I ask I'm complete shock.
"If she did why would I ask you not to tell her?" He says.
"True, well your secret is safe with me." I say and so does Payton.
"Thanks guys I dont know what I'd do without you." He says.
"Its no problem man." Payton says.
The bell rings for homeroom.
"Have any of you seen diane she's gonna be late." I say.
"No I haven't seen her or chase." Anthony says.
"Oh well they are probably together hooking up or something." I say with a giggle.