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*Diane's P.O.V.*

I woke up after hearing the sound of rocks hitting my window.
I got out of my bed yawning as i walked over to the window.

I lifted open the glass looking down to see Chase my best friend since birth, our parents were friends since high school.

We have been neighbors since forever, and we also have the same birthday.

Not only is he my best friend he was my childhood crush, well i still have a crush on him but i should just keep that to myself.

"Goodmorning Sleeping Beauty." He said as he smiled.

"Goodmorning Chasey Poo." I replied as i smiled back.

"You know i dont like that nickname." He said while playfully rolling his eyes.
I couldnt help but to giggle at his cuteness.
"Did you want something or were you trying to cut into my much needed beauty sleep?" I asked as i crossed my arms.

"I came to see if you wanted to help me prank the guys." He said waiting for an answer.

A evil grin came across my face. "Are you kidding? Of course i do, i have to get dressed come on up." I said while shutting the window and turning to my closet to find somthing to wear.

*Chase's P.O.V.*

I ran inside Diane's house saying goodmoring to her mother and running up the stairs to her room.
She was in her bathroom getting dressed, So i sat on her bed going thru a photo album she had sitting out.
I smiled looking at the pictures of the to of us.

"Gosh she's cute." I said to myself.

Diane came out of the bathroom all dressed up.

  "Did you say something Chase?" She said sitting down in front of her vanity brushing out her hair

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  "Did you say something Chase?" She said sitting down in front of her vanity brushing out her hair.

I smiled at how beautiful she looked, but then snapped back realizing she heard what he said. I Cleared my throught.

"Um no, why?"i answered.
She started applying some light makeup and lip gloss.

"Oh, nothing just thought i heard something." She said while looking back at me and smiling that singiture smile of hers.
I smiled back.

Hope yall like it

Sorry if i misspelled anything or if i used incorrect grammar

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