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*Diane's P.O.V.*

By the time Anthony and I get to my house Jackie and Payton are already there waiting on the door steps because the door is locked.

I hand to key to Jackie because Anthony is still carrying me and she unlocks the door.

When we get inside Anthony sets me on the couch.

"Thanks for carrying me, you really didnt have to." I say smiling at him.

"Its no problem, let me see your ankle." He says.

I take my shoe off and he touches it and I flinch from the pain.

"Sorry, I'm gonna go get you some ice." He says and goes to the kitchen.

While I wait for Anthony to come back my phone vibrates and it put it up.

It's a text from Chase. I didnt bother to open or read it I didnt wanna cry into front of my friends again.

Anthony comes back with a ziplock bag full of Ice.

"I'm back" he says while he grabs one of the pillows off of the couch and puts it underneath my foot to elevate it and then puts the ice onto my ankle.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it." I say.

"Do t think nothing of it I dont mind taking care of you." He says and sits down beside me.

Jackie and Payton walk into the living room after coming out of the kitchen.

Payton sits in a recliner and Jackie sits on his lap.

"So do you wanna talk about why you were upset in the lunchroom today?" Jackie asks.

I nod.

"Chase wasnt in any of his classes today and I was worried so I didnt feel like eating. I went to the library to read, reading always helped me keep my mind off things. Anyways I got to the library and there he was making out with loren." I say and I cant help but to begin to cry.

Anthony pulls me close to him and wraps his arms around me.

"I'm so sorry he did this to you, if he cant treat a girl like you right then he doesn't deserve you." He says into my hair.

"Wait, you mean loren? Like the girl that's been giving you shit lately?" Jackie says and I nod.

"She never really liked me after Chase and I got together." I say wiping my tears.

"Wow. I can't believe he would do that to you. He's had this huge crush on you for like two years and now that he's finally dating you he screws it up for some girl that's put out for almost every guy at our school." Payton says.

"Hes gonna get it next time I see him." Anthony says.

"No dont. Please." I say looking up at him.

He sighs. "Okay, I won't." He says

Were all interrupted by a knock on the door.

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