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*Diane's P.O.V*

I didnt feel like eating lunch or going back to any of my classes so Anthony, Jackie, Payton and I skipped and started walking to my place.

*on the way home*

I begin to walk but I'm going way slower than everyone else.

I kept my head down thinking of the events leading up to where I am now.

My eyes start to water but i quickly blink them away.

I stop paying attention to what I'm doing and I trip over my untied shoe lace.

Anthony turns around and helps me up.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I nod and begin to walk I stumble and go to fall but Anthony grabs me before i can fall.

He picks me up bridal style and starts walking.

"Anthony i dont need to carry me, I'll be fine." I say.

"You cant walk on that ankle I looks like its gonna swell. Plus I dont mind." He says smiling at me.

The boy next doorWhere stories live. Discover now