Its currently 11:45 a.m. I was laying asleep in my bed cause its saturday, when suddenly I get woken up by my mother shouting for me.
"OKAY MOM!!" I shout back.
I get up and hop into the shower and then get dressed into this:
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I comb my hair and apply some light makeup, then i head downstairs.
"Everyone is in the backyard if you feel like being social today." My mom says from the kitchen.
"Everyone?" I ask.
"Some of the neighbors are here for a barbecue." My mom answers.
"Oh well, that sounds fun but imma go back to my room." I say turning to walk away.
"Chase is here." She says knowing that ill turn around and go outside for him.
I turn as she expected and smile. "You know me so well." I make may way to the backyard.
I walk around and i dont see Chase anywhere. That filthy lair I say in my mind.
"Guess who?" Chase says from behind my as he covers my eyes.
"Hmmm....lemme guess is it Chase Poo?" I say with a giggle.
He takes his hand off of my eyes. "How'd you know?" He says.
"I felt your rings they were cold against my skin." I say.
"Oof, anyways how was your day?" He says trying to make conversation.
"Okay I pretty much slept all day, what about you?" I answered.
"Hella boring up untill right now cause I'm with you, and it's always fun when I'm with you." He says cracking an adorable smile.
I can't help but to melt inside about what he said about me even tho he prolly meant it in a friendly way. I snap out of my thoughts and smile back.
"That's really sweet of you to say." I said.
"Well I'm glad you think so." He said still smiling....ugh that smile.
"Sooooo what do you wanna do?" I asked.
"Hmm, wanna go to the beach?" He replied. (They live walking distance from the beach)
"Sure sounds fun, but last one there is a saggy tit!" I kiss his cheek and sprint away, while Chase runs after me.
Long story short I get there first.
I sit down in the sand and catch my breath. Chase sits beside me.
"So what do yo-" I cut off by chase kissing me.
I was caught off guard at first but i kissed back. The kiss lasted about 30seconds. When we finally pulled away from each other I looked up at who was smiling down at me. I couldn't help but to smile back. I'm falling for this boy.
"So I've have wanting to ask you something." Chase says neverously.
I put my hand on his. "Ask away." I say with a smile.
"Well we've known each other since forever, and we're really close and um I like you...I mean like you like you and-"
I cut him off by kissing him again.
"I like you like you too." I say with a smile.
He smiles back. "So I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend."
"Yes yes yes a thousand times yes!" I say kissing him.
------------------------------------------------------------ Hey so um yeah sorry for not updating for a while but Itried making this chapter longer soI hope y'all like it<3