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Haven POV
"Dad?" I called as I walked into his house. I could've lived with him but I wanted my own place, I'm 22 I need my space. "In here Haven!" I heard him yell from the kitchen. "Hi dad!" I smiled big and gave him the biggest hug. "Your finally home. I missed you!" He said hugging me. "You seen any of the boys yet? You'll be working with them soon." He said. "No I- wait really? Your letting me be a lifeguard again?!" I smiled big. "Of course! You've done it for years and I don't doubt you." He said. "Thank you and uh no I haven't seen them yet." I said sitting on a stool at the bar. "Well I'm headed down there soon I work this afternoon." He said. "Thought you worked all day?" I asked. "Most days I do." He said packing snacks for work. "Well I grab my board and change into my swimsuit and we'll head out ya?" I asked. "Sounds good but hurry." He said. I nodded and ran out to my car and grabbed my suit to change.

-at bondi-
"Boys I got a surprise." Dad said walking in. "What's up boss?" I heard Jessie ask. I walked through the door and smiled at them. "Miss me boys?" I asked with a chuckle. "Haven!" Maxi and Jessie yelled and ran to give me a hug. "Hi guys!" I smiled hugging them back. "Haven good to see you again." Deano smiled. Deano, whippet, Jesse, maxi, reidy and some guy I didn't recognize were in there. "So why we all inside?" I asked. "We are about to switch shifts." Kerrbox said. "Ohh ok. Oh hi I'm Haven by the way!" I smiled and put my hand out to the new guy. He stood up with a small smile. "Hi I'm Jake. Jake Nolan." He said kinda quite. "Jake started the year you left to college." My dad said. "Cool well boys you'll be happy to hear, I hope, that I'm starting lifeguarding again here!" I smiled. "Finally we missed ya." Maxi said messing up my hair. "Hey!" I said and fixed my hair. "Well I'll be down at the beach, bye guys!" I said and left the tower.

Maxi POV
I had the new shift with jake down at south end. "So what ya think of Haven?" I asked him. "She's really nice." He said. "Ya and fucking gorgeous." I laughed. "Don't worry her and I are just friends along with Jessie and her. So she's all yours." I said. It was obvious he thought she was pretty. He's never quite to people unless somethings up. "Why would I worry?" He chuckled. "It's obvious you think she's pretty." I said. He looked down and his face got red. "That's what I thought." I chuckled.

Haven pov
I sat my stuff down at south end. Looking around there wasn't to many surfers out today probably because it's the middle of the day and they are working their real jobs. I grabbed my white and cream board and headed out.
After a couple waves I just sat there on my board in the water watching the surfers ride the waves in. As I looked back to watch for a good wave I saw one looming ahead. I new it was gonna be big. I turned my board around and waited. As I felt the wave I started to paddle, and soon stood up and road it perfectly. I even did a few tricks. I saw swimmers right where I was headed so I jumped off my board so I wouldn't hit them. They shouldn't even be there because your supposed to swim between the flags. But I wish I hadn't jumped off the wave just yet because as I was under water something happened and it wasn't good.

Jake pov
I watched her ride the wave and do some tricks she was good, really good. As she jumped off the wave to not hit the swimmers who I've repeatedly yelled at for swimming there the shark alarm went off. "Tower to all lifeguards, shark spotted off the cliffs at bondi help everyone in." I heard hoppos voice through the radio. The alarm goes on for a few seconds and then turns off, I waited and watched where haven had dove into the water. She wasn't up yet. And being that far out probably didn't hear it underwater. "Maxi she hasn't come up yet." I said. "What?" He said confused. "Haven, she dove off a wave and hasn't come up yet." I said ripping my shirt off and standing next to the rescue board just in case. Maxi called in hoppo over the radio. "Hoppos coming down." Maxi said worried.

Haven pov
When I dove under the wave was so strong it took my board with it meaning the strap came off too. I wouldn't be as worried as I was if it wasn't for the damn blue bottles that swarmed my left leg. I could hold my breath for a good while due to this not being my first time this happened to me. So I stayed under and pulled them all off. I swam away the best I could from them and started to swim back to the surface. I didn't realize I was so deep. As I reached the surface I saw no one. I turned around and saw everyone the beach. And my board floating in. Oh fuck. Shark. I looked around frantically trying to see if I could see a fin. Nothing and that meant I had no idea where it was. I looked up and saw the chopper, I couldn't tell if it was hovering over me or the shark or both which meant it was close by. "Dad!" I yelled. I could see him lightly standing on the waters edge with his hands on his head. "Hop on." I heard behind me. There was kerrbox on the jet ski. As I climbed up I felt something brush against my leg. "AHH!" I screamed and scrambled to the jetski with kerrboxes help. "Jetski to all lifeguards. I got haven but the sharks right under us." Kerbox radioed in. "Kerbox move." I said like it was that simple. "Haven we cant, if it hits the motor then the jetski is done for we gotta wait till it's always a little bit." He said. Oh shit. "Haven?" I heard my dads voice. "Dad! It's alright I'm ok." I said through the radio. "Chopper to jetski, sharks right under you wait a second and we'll tell ya when to move." A guys voice came on the radio. We're fucked.

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