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Haven POV
"Alright when we get there it's mostly just bra boys but a lot of them are really nice." Jesse said as he drove Jake and I to the beach. "Do you think they'll be ok if jake and I are there?" I asked. Jake and I weren't bra boys and this was there territory I didn't want to make them mad. "Oh no they won't care about that." Jesse laughed.
We pulled up to a parking spot and got out. "We'll go over there and the jetski will take us out on the wave." Jesse said and we walked down to the beach and the rocks.
"You ok?" Jake asked me as Jesse had just taken his turn on the surf. I nodded. "Kinda nervous." I said. "It'll be ok, I'll be right here and Jesse of course." He said with a smile. I smiled back and then someone called my name and told me to go. I took a deep breath, grabbed the rope and the jetski went flying.
I did it! I managed to get up on my board, do a couple tricks and ride it out.
"You killed it!" Jesse smiled as I walked back up on the beach. "Thank you." I smiled. Now it was jakes turn. I'll admit he looked good, really good with out a shirt. His tattoos really showing him off.

Jesse pov
I watched haven as Jake went. She had the biggest smile on her face you could tell she was taking a liking to him. "You just gonna keep staring at him?" I joked with her. She blushed and stumbled her words. "No I was uh I was just watching him that's all." She said with her face bright red. "Ya right." I said. "I haven't seen you smile that big since." I started but she cut me off. "We don't talk about him." She said quickly.

Haven pov
He was gonna bring him up and I did not want that. Before I left for college I was dating taco, he used to be a lifeguard, we had a perfect relationship and I was happy but his dumbass went and got caught up in things he shouldn't have and I wanted nothing to do with that shit. I haven't seen him since we broke up and honestly don't really want to.
"That was awesome." Jake smiled as he walked up to Jesse and I on the beach. "Thank you guys for going with me. And you killed it out there." I smiled at Jake. "You guys ready to go?" Jesse asked. "Ya but I'm hungry." I sighed. "We can go get food that's fine with me." Jake shrugged his shoulders. "I can't actually I have a meeting with Koby about some new surfing brand. But you guys should go and meet each other." Jesse smiled. I knew what he was doing, he was just trying to get Jake and I alone. We were already driving back to bondi so I either had to suck it up and ask Jake out or be a wus and cower. "Oh ok Jesse well Jake do you wanna go back to my place for dinner?" I asked. He looked taken back. "Ya actually that sounds nice." He said. I smiled back at him.
"Alright bye guys, and use protection!" Jesse yelled to us as we got in my Jeep. I blushed. "Come on I don't live far." I said. "Where do you live?" Jake asked as I drove off. "Down the road actually, we could've walked but because it was dark and I new I'd be tired I just drove." I said. And that drive was soon over and we pulled up to the apartments. "You live here? These are nice." Jake said with wide eyes. I laughed. "Ya now come on wait till you see the view!" I smiled and grabbed my board while he grabbed his.
"You can shower if you want the bathroom is right there." I said to Jake. "Ok thank you." He said. "I'm gonna shower to but in my bathroom so don't be alarmed if your done and I'm not out here." I said as I walked into my room with a attached bathroom.

Surprisingly I was done before Jake but he did also work all day and was probably just trying to get all that sand and sweat and salt off. I starting cooking some homemade pizzas when I heard the water turn off.
After a couple minutes Jake came out in just a towel. And holy shit, my legs felt like they were gonna give out. The towel hung low on his hips and his hair all wet. "Um sorry but I don't have any cloths. I forgot." He said. I finally got out of my trance from looking at his toned body. "Oh ya right  um I've got a shirt from my dad and I think there Jesse shorts one second." I said and ran into my room.
"Yup here ya go." I said giving him a red shirt and black shorts. He laughed. "Why do you have these." He said. "Well the shirt because when I left for college I was really upset about leaving my dad here so I took a shirt from him and jesses shorts I don't know why." I laughed. He laughed too and thanked me before walking back into the bathroom to change. I pulled out my phone and texted Jesse and Maxi.
"Boys you would not believe what just happened! Jake showered at my house and came out in just a towel. I'm weak!"
Right as I sent the text Jake walked out and I immediately put my phone away. "I'm making homemade pizza is that's ok." I said. "Ya that sounds good actually." Jake smiled and sat on a stool at the counter. "So tell me about yourself." I said and sat next to him as we waited for the pizza to cook. "Well what do you wanna know?" He asked. "Anything and everything." I said.

As jake and I were talking we moved to the couch somewhere in between and now we sat there in my living room watching a movie eating the pizza. As I set my plate down because I finished I looked at Jake to see he was staring at me. "What?" I asked. "I um if it's ok I would like to take you out on a date." He said kinda shyly. I smiled. "I'd love to go on a date with you, when and where?" I smiled and turned to face my body to him. "Tomorrow at 5:30 be ready I'm gonna take you somewhere. But it's gonna be a secrete." He said. I nodded and kissed his cheek as an ok. "You can stay here tonight if you want?" I said. "Are you sure I don't wanna bother you, and I work tomorrow morning." He said. "I promise you won't bother me." I laughed. He smiled and we cleaned up our mess before going to bed.
"Alright here's the spare bedroom, it's all yours and my room is right across the hall." I said. "Thank you." He smiled at me. I shrugged. "Least I could do." I smiled and walked out.

I woke with a jolt and looked at my phone, I've only been asleep for maybe 30 minutes. I had a bad dream, again. I sighed and laid back down trying to go to sleep.
But after a while I couldn't sleep. I got up and new I was risking this and I didn't know why I had this confidence now but I went to Jakes room. "Jake." I said and pushed his shoulder. His hair was messy and he mumbled something before waking up. "Haven, is everything ok?" He asked sitting up. I sat on the edge of the bed. "I can't sleep, can I stay in here with you?" I asked. Thank god it was dark my face was probably beat red right now. "Ya ya of course." He said and moved over so I could lay down. "Thank you jake." I whispered as we cuddled together on the bed falling asleep.

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