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Haven POV
I cleaned my whole house and was ready for whenever Jake shows up. And right as I started to debate is his was a good idea or not someone knocked on the door. "Coming." I yelled and opened the door. There stood Jake with a backpack on his back. "Hey beautiful." He smiled and kissed my cheek walking in. "Hey." I smiled back and shut the door. "I'm gonna put my bag in your room that ok?" He asked. "Oh ya." I said quickly. I sat down on the coach and turned on Netflix. "What do you wanna watch?" I asked him as he walked out of my room. "Anything but a chic flick." He laughed. "Fine." I chuckled. "How about zombie land." I asked. It was definitely one of my favorite movies. "Ya sure." He said and pulled my body closer to him a he sat on the couch next to me. I played the movie and snuggled into him.

I woke up groaned from the sun being in my eyes. "Hey sleeping beauty your finally awake." I heard Jake next to me. "Why are you up?" I groggily asked and turned to face him so I could cuddle into him. "It's 10am." He laughed. I just mumbled. "What do you wanna do today?" He asked me. "I have to watch whippets kids today at 1." I said. "Oh ok why?" He asked. "I don't know I didn't ask." I said still half asleep. "Want me to help you babysit?" He asked. I nodded a yes against his chest. "I could wake up like this every morning." I smiled and traced his tattoos. He flipped us over so he hovered over me. He kissed my lips and then down my cheek and to my neck. I let out a small moan.
You can guess what happened next.

Jake and I laid there, naked, both of our breaths ragged. That was the best sex I've ever had. "Jake." I whispered. "Ya." He said back. "That was." I couldn't even form words. "Amazing." He said for me. "Ya." I said back.
"We need to get up." I said after cuddling awhile. "Alright come on." Jake said sitting up and helping me up.
"Hey whippet!" I smiled and walked into his house. "Hey haven and jake! We're running late but dinner is in the fridge and diapers are in there own rooms along with changing pads." He said rushing to put his shoes on. "Ok. You guys have fun!" I smiled at then. "You too and I appreciate you being able to do this." He said and kissed my cheek and walked out with his wife. "Alright then. Boys!" I yelled and walked farther into the house. "Haven!" Whippets oldest song yelled and ran to me and hugged my legs. I picked him up. "How are you?" I asked. "Good who's he?" He asked while still in my arms. "I'm Jake. Havens boyfriend." Jake said. "Hi Jake! Want to see my LEGO collection?" He asked. "Oh uh sure." Jake said and they went to his room. I walked into the living room and saw whippets one year old baby sleeping in a rocker thing. I smiled he was so cute.

"Alright what movie?" I asked. "Coco!" Whippets oldest smiled. I nodded and put the movie in. Jake had the baby resting on his chest. Being honest it was very hot. I sat on the couch and the movie started.
"Time for bed come on." I whispered and picked up the oldest. He was only 5. I put him in bed and tucked him in. I walked back downstairs to see jake sleeping with the baby still in his chest. Of course I took a picture. This makes me think of having a family with jake. He'd be such a good dad.

As I sat there on my phone I heard the door open and whippet and Gina walked in. "Hey guys." I said quietly not to wake the boys and jake. "Hey is everyone sleeping?" Gina asked. I chuckled. "Yup." I said.
"Jake wake up." I said and shook him a little. He woke with a start. I laughed. "Come on their home we need to go home." I said as Gina took their baby from jake. He nodded. I grabbed his hand and we said our goodbyes and walked out. "You tired?" I asked as he lazily walked to the car. He nodded his head yes and yawned.

"Night baby." I said to Jake as we got into bed. I kissed his cheek and cuddled into his side. "Goodnight my beautiful." He said and wrapped me in his arms.

I woke up to a loud bang. What the heck! I got up and left Jake sleeping. I heard rattling and it sounded like someone was going through my stuff. "Hello?" I asked and it got quite. I flipped the switch on and saw a figure duck down right as my eyes adjusted to the light. "Jake!" I yelled as I ran back in my room. I heard shuffling the intruder was probably trying to leave. "What?" He asked and I hit his chest. "Someone- someone's here!" I panicked. "Shhh it's ok stay behind me." He said and pushed me behind him. We walked into the living room and kitchen. "I think he's gone." Jake said. "Jake How'd he get in?" I asked and went to shut the front door. "We didn't lock the door. Fuck it's my fault. I said I would." He said and was obviously pissed at himself. "Hey hey it's alright. Let's look around see if he got anything." I said. Jake nodded. "I'm gonna call my dad and see if he'll stay over I don't wanna be alone." I said. "Baby your not alone in here." Jake said pulling me into his chest. "I know I know but what if more then one guy comes next time?" I asked. He sighed. "Call your dad and I'll look around." He said kissing my hair. I nodded into his chest and we parted.

"Nothing seems to be taken." I said as Jake, me and my dad all came together in the living room. "You guys get back to bed. I'm gonna go to sleep too." My dad said and pulled me into a hug. "And jake." My dad said. "Lock the damn door." My dad chuckled. Jakes face went red. I laughed, this was a serious situation but what my dad said was kinda funny.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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