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Haven POV
"Maxi! Jesse!" I yelled as I ran into their apartment. They both had the day off and we were gonna spend it together. How I got in? I've got a key.
I heard groaning come from their rooms. I ran into maxi room and jumped on top of him. "Wake up! I got big news!" I yelled and then ran to jesses room. "Jesse! Get up!" I said. He sighed and got up with a grumble. I took my shoes off and leaned against his head board and pulled the covers over my legs. "What are you doing?" He asked looking at me. I smirked. "Getting comfy I've got big news!" I said. "Maxi!" I yelled. Jesse groaned. "I'm coming." He yelled back and walked into jesses room. "Haven what are you doing?" He asked like Jesse did. "I've got a big story and I'm getting comfy so sit down." I said patting the bed. He sighed and sat down on the bed.

"And then he said goodnight beautiful." I gushed about jake. "Guys I'm falling for him so bad." I said. Jesse laughed. "Ya we can tell." He said. I blushed. "So are you guys dating now? Boyfriend and girlfriend?" Maxi asked. "Um I don't know, we went on a date and we both said we should do it again so dating I guess." I smiled. "Come on I can't handle anymore girl talk." Jesse said getting out of his bed. I smiled and jumped off and ran to the kitchen. "So what's the plan today?" I asked the boys. "We could go surfing." Maxi said. "Yes please!" I said. "Alright surfing it is." Jesse smiled. "At bondi though." I said. They smirked at me. "Is that because Jake is working." Jesse asked. I blushed. "No comment. Now come on get around." I said. I always carried my bathing suit with me in my car so I went to grab it to change. And dad let's me keep my board in his office so I could go grab it when we get there.

"See you losers later." I laughed as I ran last Jesse and maxi. I turned to see them chase me in the water I laughed and hopped on my board.
"Waves are looking nice today." I said. "Definitely to big for maxi here." Jesse smirked and pushed him off his board. I laughed my ass off. "Hey!" He complained and got back on. "That waves mine." I smirked and started paddling.

"Nice one!" Jesse said and high fives me. "Where's maxi?" I asked. "He just caught a wave." Jesse said.

"Ready to head in?" Jesse asked us. "You guys go I'm gonna stay out a little longer." I smiled at them. They nodded and paddled back to shore. I loved being out here. It made me release my stress. "Need a friend?" I heard behind me. I turned to see my dad. "Hey dad." I smiled as he paddled up next to me. "Why didn't you come in?" He asked me. "I saw Jake there." I said and pointed to the sand. "And?" My dad asked. "I'm falling for him hard and I don't think he's falling for me as much as I am for him." I said. "So your scared. Hmm." My dad said. "I'm not scared." I said. Dad laughed. "If your not then go talk to him." He said with a smirk. He was right. I mumbled a fine and paddled in.
"Jake." I said as I walked up to him taking down a flag. "Haven how are you?" He stopped and smiled at me. "Good I uh need to talk to you." I said. "Oh ok what's wrong?" He asked. "Jake I'm falling for you. Like I'm really falling for you and I understand if you aren't feel." I was saying but was cut off when he smashed his lips on to mine. For a second I was confused but then I melted into his kiss and his arms wrapped around me and mine around his neck. "I fell for you the day I saw you." He said as we were inches apart. I smiled and kissed him again. "I'm kinda thinking we don't need another date." He laughed. "Mmm I agree but you gotta ask me one question first." I said. He looked confused for a second which made me laugh but then he caught on. "Haven, will you please be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Of course I will." I smiled and he pulled me into a hug and spun me around. "Your house tonight?" He asked. I nodded. "Being cloths this time." I said. He laughed. "I will I will." He said. "I'll see you soon I should probably go clean my house up before you get there." I said. "Alright I'll be right there as soon as I'm done." He said and kissed me again.

I ran into the tower with a big smile. "He asked me! He finally asked me!" I said jumping on maxi. The boys all in the tower laughed. "I'm glad you are happy haven." Deano smiled at me. "Thank you." I said with a Smile. "I need to get home but I'll see you guys later!" I said and walked out with a little skip to my step. "She's love struck." I heard my dad laugh with the boys as I walked out. I blushed at that comment.

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