𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 2

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I walked into the off-putting school, blue and yellow colours surrounding me - suffocating me. I sighed and carried on walking, AirPods in my ears and my eyes glued straight ahead. I felt a small figure bump into me. He was significantly shorter than me, and he looked new. I was pretty sure I'd never seen him before, and damn he was cute. He had dirty blonde hair, bright, Pacific Ocean blue eyes, plump pink lips and a cute button nose. He was wearing white skinny jeans, a pastel pink hoodie and black converse. A sweet.
"S-Sorry," he mumbled, his voice higher than I expected.
"It's fine," I growled, walking around his small frame and down to my classroom. He was fucking adorable, that was for sure. He was small, but he didn't look very young. I sighed to myself and carried on walking to class, shaking my head slightly. I opened the door loudly, storming across the room and throwing myself into my blue plastic chair violently.
"Someone's in a mood today, aren't we Colby?" My English teacher, Miss Thompson, laughed to herself at her snarky comment.
"Fuck off," I said under my breath, getting my textbook out of my bag.
"What was that?" She asked, walking over to my desk.
"I said, fuck off," I rolled my eyes and looked up at her with a daring glare.
"Get to the principals office!" She screeched like a banshee. I smirked and shoved my textbook back in my bag and waved as I walked out of the classroom, going anywhere but the principals office. It was literally 5 minutes into the lesson and I'd already been sent out. sweet. As I walked around the wide corridors, I caught sight of the cute boy I'd seen earlier. He looked lost, looking confusedly at the numbers on the doors. I sped up my pace and walked towards him.
"You lost?" I asked.
"I- uh.. yeah?" He mumbled.
"What room you in?" I lowered my tone, not wanting to scare him.
"B7," He said a little louder.
"This way, I'll show you. I just got sent out of English, I'm meant to be at the principals office but I haven't got time for that," I laughed, leading the way.
"W-why did you get s-sent out?" He had a stutter. Cute. I took him the long way so I could be there with him longer.
"I said fuck you to the teacher, nothing special," I shrugged with a smirk. "Anyway, what's your name? I'm Colby. If you need any help here, just come to me. By the looks of what you're wearing, you're a part of the Sweets. I'm the leader of the grunges. But just between you and me, you're pretty cute." I finished. He blushed at the last part.
"I-I'm S-Sam. And y-yeah, I'm p-part of the s-Sweets. I h-have a c-cousin in the S-Sweets. S-She told me t-to go to them, s-so I d-did. And t-thank you. You're n-not too b-bad yourself," he giggled at what he said. Awww... his laugh was so cute. I started scribbling my number down on a scrap of paper.
"Thanks. Here's my number, cutie. Message me later. Here's your class, B7. Have a good day," I smiled.
"Will d-do," he grinned and walked into class. Damn, he was new and I'd scored him at first- well, second - sight. The only problem is, was he's a part of the Sweets and I'm the leader of the Grunges. This was gonna be a problem for me. And him, if we did hit it off. Fuck.

I was walking out of school, when my phone pinged loudly. I pulled it out of my pocket, seeing that Sam had messaged me.
Sam 🔥: Hello x
Colby 🐨: Hey cutie xx
Sam🔥: You're such a flirt x
Colby 🐨: I know, that's the point babes xx
Sam 🔥: Moving a bit fast there. We don't even know each other, tell me about yourself 😂 xx
Colby 🐨: Oooh you sent two kisses xx
Colby 🐨: Ok, so, I'm gay, first of all. Is that a problem? Xx
Sam 🔥: Not at all. I'm bisexual xx
Colby 🐨: Ah, I have a chance. Anyway, I'm 5"11. My parents hate me. My wardrobe is all black. I think you're hella cute and sweet. I've got depression and sometimes I have anxiety attacks. What about you babes? Xx
Sam 🔥: I'm 5"8 (shorty). I live with my older brother Ben, my little sister Allison and my parents. They don't support me being bi, but they don't hate me. I think you're hot and kinda mean but the good kind of mean. I like dogs. Everyone likes dogs. That's about it, boo xx
Colby 🐨: Ooooh, calling me boo now. I'm starting to like you more and more cutie xx
Sam 🔥: The feelings mutual hottie xx
Colby 🐨: I need to get home, I'll message you when I'm there. Ttyl babes xx
Sam 🔥: Bye boo xxx


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