𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 5

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It was around 10pm, and I had the urge to take cute pictures with Sam.
"Babe, let's take pictures," I giggled, his hand in my own.
"Sure. What of?" He asked, squeezing my hand softly.
"You, me, eachother. Us," I grinned, taking a picture of our intertwined fingers, the sunset in the background, on Snapchat . I drew a small heart and put it on my story.
"You're cheesy," he giggled. I put my arm around him and grinned.
"I know, that's what makes me amazing," I grinned, pretending to flick my hair.
"Shut up," he laughed, resting his head on my shoulder. I quickly took a picture of him, his perfect smile against my shoulder. He grinned and nuzzled his head against my shoulder.
"Lay down, I'm tired," he sighed.
"Ok," I chuckled, laying down with my arm around him.

"Colby?" My mom stuck her head out of my bedroom window. Me and Sam must've fallen asleep on the roof.
"Mmph," I groaned, rolling over and putting my arm over Sam, who smiled in his sleep.
"Colby," my mom laughed. I lifted my head up and opened my eyes slightly.
"Yeah?" I groaned.
"It's almost midnight. Get inside," she smiled, kissing my cheek and making her way back downstairs.
"Sammy," I shook him softly.
"Hmm?" He hummed.
"Let's go inside babe," I sat up.
"Mkay..." he rolled over again and snored slightly.
"Babe, come on," I laughed.
"Carry me.." he mumbled.
"Fine," I chuckled, picking him up bridal style. I got us through the window, placing Sam on the bed gently. I laid next to him and pulled the covers over us.
"Mph," he rolled over, his head resting on my shoulder. He'd fallen asleep already.
"Aww," I cooed, falling asleep shortly after.

"Colby," my mom woke me up, again.
"What?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes.
"I'm leaving for work, just wanted to let you know. There's food in the fridge. I love you," she smiled. I nodded with a grin and she left the room, leaving the house for work. A yawn escaped Sam.
"Morning, sleepyhead," I grinned, kissing his forehead.
"Morning," he grinned, smiling at me at my actions.
"My mom just left for work," I smiled,
"I wonder what we could get up to..." he grinned at me cheekily.
"I wonder?" I shrugged with a smirk, straddling him and putting a hand next to his head on the mattress.
"Should we do something or not?" He smirked.
"I don't know, should we?" I whispered, my lips centimetres away from his.
"Yeah," he breathed. I smashed my lips against his, fireworks going off in my brain. I'd wanted this. I got it. And I never wanted it to end. But, all good things must come to an end.
"We can't go too far, pretty boy. We're not a thing yet and I'm not gonna take advantage of you," I pulled away, pecking his lips softly after I explained. He sighed and crossed his arms.
"I mean... we could be a thing," he said slowly, turning to face me.
"Could. If anyone found out, then that'd be the end of both of us, period," I laughed.
"Who said people have to know?" He said simply.
"It's just that people will find out. I do wanna be with you, since I bumped into you in the hall all i could think about was you. But if we get together and people find out then we're dead people walking," I sighed, laying down next to him and putting my arm around him.
"We could keep it on the dl. Don't talk in school, at all, only message. Don't tell anyone, don't be seen in public together. And then, we can have all the fun we want when we're alone," he smirked.
"Good point. Wanna be my boyfriend, Sam?" I asked.
"Of course, babe," he laughed, kissing me softly.

This is 👌🏻👌🏻

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