Chapter 25

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(Time skip to Christmas Eve)
"Mom can I put a mistletoe up?" I asked, hoping for the answer to be yes.
"Sure, just don't eat Sam's face off underneath it," she laughed to herself, making me and Sam laugh too. We got back from Britain yesterday, so we needed to decorate. I reached up and attached the mistletoe to the doorframe, straining to reach. I managed it though, so it was fine. Sam was putting the tree up. We bought a white plastic one this year so we can use it in the years coming up.
"Babe," he shouted. I scurried into the room.
"Yeah?" I asked with a smile.
"D'ya wanna put the star on top?" He asked, waving the star in his hand. I nodded enthusiastically and ran over to him, almost knocking over him and the tree.
"Calm down," Sam laughed, ruffling my hair. I reached up and slid the star on top, completing the decor.
"This looks amazing!" I squealed, running into Sam's arms.
"I know," he grinned, kissing my forehead.
"This is gonna be the best Christmas ever," I mumbled, my face against Sam's chest.
"Why's that?" He asked, rocking us slightly.
"Because you're here," I looked up at him with a grin, kissing him softly.
"Goddangit I love you," he grinned even more, peppering soft kisses all over my face.
"I love you more," I giggled, almost falling backwards whilst Sam was there to catch me.
"Merry Christmas Eve," he grinned, his hand against my cheek.
"Merry Christmas Eve," I said back, nuzzling my face into his touch.
"You're such a pretty boy, baby," he chuckled, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I blushed slightly at his words, my face hidden in his chest.
"I'm so glad you're here," I mumbled whilst in Sam's arms. He grinned and held me close, closing his eyes. I heard footsteps coming towards the room, but I didn't move, and neither did Sam.
"You two are so fucking cute," my mom giggled from the doorway, walking away.
"Mom!" I laughed, turning my head to see her already gone.
"We need to put the presents under the tree, baby," Sam mumbled, turning my head back around to face him with two fingers and kissing me. I giggled and pulled away, from both the kiss and the hug.
"I'm going to get your presents," I giggled even more, running up the stairs speedily. I dashed into my room, reaching underneath my bed for the already wrapped boxes. I giggled and remembered what I'd gotten him, knowing- well, hoping he'd like them. I got him quite a lot of stuff, just because I wanted him to feel special. Whilst we were in Blackpool, he told me how his mom would give them one small present, not even a Christmas dinner, and wouldn't let them listen to Christmas music. I was gonna change every single one of them this year. I picked up the several boxes and bundled them in my arms, not being able to carry all of them with just my hands. I scurried downstairs, making sure not to drop any of the small parcels. Sam looked shocked as I walked through the door, placing them all under the tree.
"Is that your mom's as well as mine?" He asked, walking over to me.
"Nope. I haven't got my mom's out yet," I grinned, hugging him.
"That's so much though!" He exclaimed, his eyes wide.
"I want to make this the best Christmas you've ever had," I reached over his shoulder and turned the tv on, grabbing the remote and putting on a music channel, Christmas music filling our ears. Sam pursed his lips and grinned, his cute dimples showing.
"I love you," he giggled, kissing me softly.
"Let me get my mom's presents," I smiled sweetly and went off to get them from, once again, underneath my bed.
"I'll get yours," he explained, scurrying off in a different direction. I grabbed my mom's gift bag from underneath, filled to the brim with wrapped up gifts. I ran downstairs, almost falling in the process, and placed the bag underneath the tree. As I stood back up, I saw Sam walking into the room with my gift bag full of gifts. I was about to walk over to him to look in the bag, when he stopped me.
"Don't even think about it babe," he laughed, rushing past me and putting it underneath the tree.
"Fuck," I laughed with him, my plan having failed.

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