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catharsis is the process of releasing and thereby providing relief from strong or repressed emotions. the moments of a fledgling crush to the final breath as it dies. catharsis is the longing of first love, the bittersweet dusk of first heartbreak. catharsis is letting go and moving on. most importantly, catharsis is a reminder of how strong, powerful, and all-consuming our feelings can be. we love, we lose, but we also move forward and grow from it.

this is an archive of pent up feelings, first loves, and heartbreaks. a process of self-discovery and reflection for all those i had the pleasure of loving, losing, and leaving. i hope that you can identify with these words like i did, whether you're falling in love, dealing with loss, or letting go, moving on, and discovering yourself.

kisses, isla


[ december 9, 2020 ] – ongoing

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