•My Calming Master, Prince Roman•

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(WARNING; Smut duhhh, and a Panic Attack, sooooo...)
[Virgil x Roman]
(Prinxiety is pretty good-)

[Virgil's Perspective]

Today was good. I can't help but feeling bored though.
You know when you go on your phone for hours at a time and you love it, but your also bored? Yeah, that is me right now.

My playlist of songs finish for the sixth time today. I contemplate whether I should replay them all or go get a snack.

My stomach rumbles as I roll my eyes. Snack it is then.

I place my phone and headphones on my bedside table before getting up and sinking down.

I appear in the kitchen as I start making myself some toast.

I don't look into the living room until I finish my toast and when I'm about to take a bite...


The plate I was holding shattered upon contact with the floor, as I stared in shock of what was happening.
Patton, Thomas and Logan turned to me, as equally shocked as I was, but Roman didn't hear the plate break. He had his eyes closed, while he was talking with... ME?!

"You both have glasses, ya know, like nerds!" Roman held his head up high as he spoke, his eyes still closed. My copy let out a small laugh in return. The other sides glanced to Roman and my seem-to-be twin.

"What are you laughing about hot-"
Roman's jaw dropped as he saw me in the kitchen. His eyes darted from me to my copy. The other me started laughing maniacally, as he quickly switched forms.

I bet you know who was standing in my place...

[Roman's Perspective]

I stand, still flabbergasted, as I see the real Virgil, enraged. He swiftly makes his way over and grabs the villain's collar of his jacket and shirt.

"How fucking dare you..."
I barely hear him whisper into Deceit's ear. 'Probably to not let Patton hear', I think.

Deceit just smirks in reply. Then I heard it...

"Pfft- hahahaha!"

I spin around to see my brother, Remus, laughing like crazy as he leaned against the back of the TV. The others react with scared looks to one another.

"Ohh! Hehe, good one De!"
He cracked his neck to turn to Deceit. I see Thomas wince at the noise Remus' neck makes.

"I didn't tell Roman about your feelings for-"

Virgil threw Deceit towards the TV, making him almost hit it. But Remus jumped over the TV and caught Deceit.

With a tsk, Remus said, "Naughty snake~ Almost revealed Virgil's feelings~"
He chucked to himself, the twisted smile still plastered on his face. "Now lets go do what Virgil would LOVE to do to Roman~"

Deceit chuckled in response to Remus sticking his tongue out to the slimey boi, and pulled Remus down with him as they sunk down.

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