Taking Advantage

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Kara's P.O.V

Lady Greta is angry at my side saying..
'Why did you agreed?'

Lady Savanna and Lady Alexa also angry saying I shouldnt have let them bully me.

I have my reason though.
First, it is rude to the other girls.
Second, Ill complain to Dad later.Let's see who is bullying who.
Third.....Im 15 but Im quite old inside if you havent forgotten.
I also think if the dare is kissing then I have a good excuse to do it.
But licking is also fine.
This way.....I can take advantage of the situation and beg the three Male Gods so I can lick them.
You should have know how great of a privilidge that is.
Even if we are that close and I can kiss their cheeks and hug them something sensual as lips are off limits.
And sides we are family.
If I cross that line I might never return.
But if it is a dare then they will not think too much of it and I can satisfy my desire right?
Im not lewd okay.
I am just a normal human.
King ,Xian and Felix and three male gods in every aspect. If I cant even taste that tempting lips I feel like I reincarnated for nothing!!!!
But make a sad expression Kara.
You should Keep your inner thought inside.

"You are getting red. I know it. If you arent comfortable then I will help you tell King about it." Lady Greta said.

I shake my head.
Please dont misinterpret me and ruin the fun.
My heart is pounding crazy on how I can enjoy this night.

"I am...fine. I can do it."

Lady Greta clicked her tongue as she glares at everyone.
Lady Savanna and Lady Alexa are comforting me.

Somehow...I feel guilty.

"Dont cry. Atleast you can ask King to help you. It is just licking." Lady Greta says when she saw Kara's misty eyes.

"Ah...True." I smile.
That is the plan.

I am smiling wryly when we came in the bigger Salon where the male are looking at us as if we are some merchandise to parade.

But I might be the only one that the partner personally waited to the door to take me.
I felt guilty suddenly.


"What is wrong?" King's forehead are knitted. He glares at the other woman who avoid eye contact. "Did they dare you? I will apologize. No need to think too much." King said and kiss my forehead.

I shake my head.
Though Im feeling guilty.
I wont lose this chance.

"I can do it." I pout. My cheeks burning.

King's forehead knitted.
"What do you have to do? The thing they dare others are always sexual harrassment in my opinion."

I look at King.
"Will you help me?" I whisper.


I am a bit guilty.
But also excited.
"Can I lick your lips?"
I ask as I whisper in his ears.

The main sponsor of this event appear and everyone is clapping their hands.
I also look at the stage not knowing that King is flustered in my side.

King shows me the way and I sit down on the chair. I look at Xian and Felix who is looking at me with a narrowed eyes.

"Let King apologize. It doesnt matter." Felix said as he cross his leg as if the lord of the place not letting his date sit down.
Lady Alexa is standing at his side like a secretary waiting for her boss order.

"I will do it." I blush.

"And who is this person you are going to lick?" Xian face darken.

I close my eyes as I point at King,Xian and Felix.

When I open my eyes I know Im a bit flustered. But so they are.

Lady Savanna and Lady Alexa's face are a bit red too. But they are not flustered instead are expectant.

I look at them.
They wont disagree and shame me here right?

"Can I?" I ask and lean on King.

King looks at me with his dark deep eyes.

"Okay." He said as if he is very exhausted.

I blink my eyes.
And then smile at him.

I wave and make a signal to the woman who will take our picture.

Now then....How should I enjoy this event?

Of course I need a preparation.

King is sitting on the chair with his leg cross elegantly.
I tap his leg and make him give me a space.
I place my knee between his legs then I brush his hair up with my fingers

So handsome.
King is staring at me with out saying anything.
I myself doesnt realize Im trembling.
I rub his face,trace his nose line.
So nice.

I lick my own lips.
My throat is drying.
This man is so perfect in all sides.

"Can I really lick you?"
I ask but my eyes is staring at King begging him not say no.

King's lips move but in the end he says nothing.

I look at him and waited.
I want to do it.
Let me do it.

"Lick me."

I blink my eyes twice and I gasp.
So sensual!!!
Can I lick him clean?!
Im 15.


"What is wrong?"
King ask.

I took a deep breath and I bow down.
My hair fell and when the camera flash it showed my hair covering our faces.

I lick that soft lips slowly.
Wetting his pinkish lips.
When I am done I step back and fidget.
King licks his lips and his eyes is darken.

"Sorry Kara I didnt see that on the ca---"

The woman who call out look at King and step back.
King's dark eyes glares at the woman.
"O-on second thought  that is alright." She looks away.

Kara didnt hear her.
Her heart is pounding and there is turmoil in her head.
She likes it.
She feels uncomfortable.
But in the end, the feeling is nice.

Xian looks at the way King licks his lips and his throat dried thinking about it.
This is wrong.
Kara is an innocent 15 years old.
He should not allow this to happen.

Xian look at the little girl tugging his clothes.

"Ill lick you? Please?" Her blushing red face didnt help and her watery eyes looks at him with pleading.

".....go ahead." Xian grit his teeth and look at that tempting girl.
Hide it.
This desire.
Or else, he'll go mad.

Felix purse his lips together.
He doesnt want this.
He stands up.

Where is that Jessica?
He will make this woman...

Kara pushes Xian down. And Xian eyes widen.
His body lean on the table gulping down.
What is Kara thinking?

Felix retract his steps and get back.
He cross his arm and waited for his turn.
This is not good if he is the only one left behind right?

Kara is thinking.
Xian likes looking at people from above.
So it feels good becoming the one on top of him.

"I can lick you,right?"

Kara is happy.
She thought they will not think much about this licking game that she has to make things more exciting for them and her..This is a once in a life time chance after all.
And she is getting what she wants.
Xian face reddened.
He grit his teeth to avoid making stupid face.

Everyone is shock at what's going on in The three Male Gods table.

Fredrick is burning in jealousy.
His eyes reddened in anger.


My head hurts.
Damn it.

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