One - Sadie

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When you think of a "good girl", you think of a girl that does no wrong. A girl that has grades that tops her class. A girl that does as asked, always uses her manners. A girl that spends more time in the library than she does anything else because she enjoyed the company of books. When you think of a "good girl" you're thinking of Sadie Jay Lex. Sadie's the definition of a good girl. Seriously, search it and you'll see her face. She's the poster girl. She's the daughter every father wants. She keeps to herself, doesn't get in trouble and has no interest in any activities most teenage girls do. The only exception to that rule was her boyfriend, Luke Robert Hemmings. They had always been friends and started a relationship on Luke's seventeenth birthday, just over a year ago. Even though Sadie's father would rather she stay away from boys, she'll always be Daddy's favourite.


Luke sat, chin in palms, elbows on the table top, eyes trained on Sadie who sat across the dining room table, studying hard.

"Will you stop that?" She asked, not looking up at the blonde haired, blue eyed boy opposite her, having felt his eyes on her.

"No." He responded, grinning cheekily when she looked up at him through her eyelashes, her dark green eyes meeting his.

"I'm trying to study."

"I know, I'm not stopping you."

"You're staring at me."

"I can't help it if I want to appreciate my beautiful girlfriend every chance I get."

"Shut up." Sadie rolled her eyes and looked back down, her cheeks slightly pink, like they often were when Luke complimented her. "Get back to studying."

"I'm done."

"Already?" She straightened up and looked at he clock on the wall to her right. "But we've only been working two hours."

"Most teenagers our age don't even study this long."

"Most teenagers our age are obviously fine with failing and making nothing of themselves."

"We're not going to fail, especially not you."

"This is our last year, Luke. After this we have college and I want to go to a good one."

"I know, so do I." He reached across the table and took her hands. "Any college will accept you, Sade, you're crazy smart and I've always been jealous of that."

"I only have my books, you have your books and your music. At least if you were to fail, you have that to fall back on."

"I can't do a solo career." Luke stated giving the girl a look.

"You could, you've got the voice and the guitar skill. Plus, Ashton's offered to make a band with you."

"A drummer and a guitarist, that'll work." It was Luke's turn to roll his eyes. "He's busy with work all the time anyway."

"I'm pretty sure he'd quit the video store to make a band but speaking of low wage jobs, that's where we'll end up if we don't get the grades to go to college."

"It was his choice not to go, he had the grades."

"I know, I'm not saying that, I'm just saying, college is all I want, Luke and to get there, I need to study."

"Alright, fine." He nodded and leant back. "Can I look through one of your books then? I've not got as much to do as you."

"Sure." She nodded and pushed her pile of books towards him, allowing him to pick something he liked.

While Sadie got back to writing her argument on why exactly feminism is needed, giving many different examples as she went from throughout history and modern day, Luke looked at the spines of the books, finding one he would be able to sit and stare out for at least an hour before Sadie would want to stop. Eventually, he picked out her Latin book and started to read. He'd never been amazing at learning foreign languages but Latin was the root of a lot so he figured if he at least knew some stuff in Latin, he'd be able to piece together some phrases in other languages.


Sadie stood at the end of her drive way, watching Luke's car leave when she heard movement coming from the house over and weird movement at that. She turned only to see her neighbour shimmying down the drainpipe.

"You know, there's such thing as the front door." Sadie announced as she walked over to waist high brick wall seperating the two properties.

"Shut up, Lex." The girl with short brown hair and light brown eyes responded in a quiet voice. "You'll get me in trouble."

"Well maybe if you actually behaved, you wouldn't get in trouble."

Bea finally made it down and stalked over to Sadie, making as little noise as possible and trying to stick to the shadows, just in case her parents decided to look out the front window.

"You know something Sade?"


"Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." Bea smirked and winked at the girl before turning and running off into the night.

Sadie didn't want to have that one sentence stuck in her head for the rest of the day, she had planned to get back to her book, ready to give a full analysis of it to her English teacher during class the next day but Bea's word didn't leave her mind and the worst part was, she had no idea just what her troublesome neighbour exactly meant.


I watched the Good Girls video the other day and came up with this plan and of course, I dragged Aoife into it because we all know if I was to write this story on my own, it's suck major balls so yep, brand new co-write that is going to be pretty fucking ace if you ask me

I'm going to be writing all Good Girl chapters and Aoife will be writing all Bad Girl chapters

If you haven't already, I strongly suggest you go read our other co-write that we're actually writing the sequel for currently, it's a Michael Clifford story and it's fucking rad, for real so go read that, just read the prequel first

Comment, recommend & all that jazz :D


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