Three - Sadie

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Sadie looked to her left as the chair moved, hitting table legs as it was pulled out.

"Hey." Calum spoke, giving Sadie his signature melt in his mouth smile, if you know what I mean.

"Hi." Sadie responded before looking back down at her book as he sat beside her, pulling his chair up closer to the girl.

"What're you reading?" He asked in a sing song voice, almost leaning his chin on the girls shoulder.

"The book we were assigned last lesson."

"We were assigned a book?" He mumbled genuinely shocked.


"Oh, oops." His grin returned. "Hey, maybe I could come over tonight and you can help me with it. You know, a little private tutoring?" He smirked as the brown haired girl looked up at him, her expression still the same as it was when he sat next to her, entirely unimpressed.

"Calum, I've told you before, I have a boyfriend." She sighed, closing her book.

"What? Who?" He scrunched his eyebrows together.


"Who's that?"

"Me." Luke spoke, his jaw clenching when Calum looked up at him.

"Since when?" Calum questioned looking back at Sadie.

"At least a year." She licked her lips, not missing that Calum watched the action.

Usually only in films is there such thing as a "school slut" but Calum Hood decided to take that cliché and live it day to day. He wasn't exactly picky with it either so it was often no surprise when a typically unpopular girl gets caught with Calum's face between her thighs. He liked sex and all things related, no matter who the person. So long as it was human and had a pulse, he'd at least give it a go, no matter the gender.

"Oh, he can join us." Calum spoke, regaining his cocky composure to wink up at Luke who was still glaring. "Or not." Calum almost giggled as his gaze returned to Sadie. "If it's a study buddy you're looking for, you got him but if you want someone to make you orgasm more times that you can count, come find me."

"I can count pretty high." Sadie responded automatically as Calum got to his feet. He only grinned cheekily before leaving.

"If you were any other girl-" Luke muttered as he took his seat next to his girlfriend and started to get everything he needed for that lesson from his bag.

"If I were any other girl, what?"

"I would say you were flirting with him."

"Why would I flirt with him, especially right in front of you?" Sadie gave Luke a confused look.

"You wouldn't, that's why I said any other girl."

"Right." She nodded and kissed his cheek before turning her attention to their teacher who was setting up for the lesson, talking nonsense as he went.

Luke finally placed his book and pen on the desk in front of him before placing his bag on the floor under his chair and taking Sadie's hand into his own. It was his favourite thing about sitting next to his girlfriend, being able to hold her small hands in his throughout the lesson.


"Bea said something weird to me last night." Sadie stated when Ashton and Luke finished discussing the brand new film that wasn't supposed to be on shelves but Ashton, having worked at the store for a while already, was allowed to buy a copy early.

"Doesn't she always?" Luke responded, looking at Sadie as Ashton turned his attention to a customer.

"I know but it doesn't usually get stuck in my head for this long."

"What did she say?"

"Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." Sadie recited, sighing heavily in frustration. "I've been trying to figure out what she meant but I've got nothing."

"Sounds like she's saying you're a bad girl." Ashton sniggered.

"I'm not." Sadie frowned at the older male.

"I know." He grinned. "But I think you'd make a good bad girl, if you tried."

"Ash." Luke warned.

"What? Come on Luke, you got to admit, Sade would look pretty good in a leather jacket riding a motorbike."

"Shut up." Luke rolled his eyes and looked at his girlfriend who was nothing short of uncomfortable. "We're leaving before you give her reason to hate you."

"Sadie-baby could never hate me!" Ashton called as his two friends left the store.

"He's right, I could never hate him." Sadie clarified.

"I know." Luke smiled, reminded of how Sadie was always willing to give everyone a chance, and more often not, many more afterwards.

"Isn't that Calum and Michael?" Sadie asked, spotting the two boys standing outside of a lingerie store.

"Yeah." Luke nodded, his good mood dropping at the sight of Michael Clifford. No-one knew why but the pair had never liked each other since they were little. Sadie suspected it was because at Bea's fourth birthday party, Sadie chose to be on Michael's team for catch instead of Luke's and Luke never let it go. Michael on the other hand just didn't like the boy, too good for him, Sadie imagined which was also why the red haired boy never seemed to take a liking to her in recent years.

"I wonder if they ever hooked up." Sadie mumbled curiously.

"What?" Luke laughed. "Michael and Calum?"

"Yeah, we all know they're both complete sex addicts."

"But isn't Michael straight?"

"I don't know. I'll ask Bea."

"Okay." The blue eyed boy took Sadie's hand as they headed back to her house.

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