Four - Bea

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The next morning Bea woke up with stars in her eyes and a pounding in her head. She was hungover as fuck and the light from the open curtain wasn't assisting her in anyway. It also wasn't helping that she was on the floor of some random house, she sat up to look around for Michael. She swore that if he left her alone in another strange place, she would castrate him.

Luckily for Michael, he was fast asleep with half his body underneath the bed in the same room Bea had woken up in. It was Monday and she was missing school again, which came as no huge shock. Bea sat there for a few minutes trying to recall the events of the night prior.

Usually it was Michael, Calum and herself who went to these parties together, but she didn't remember seeing Calum at all, or maybe he was getting off with the first person who caught his eye. That was something that tended to happen way too often when the trio went to parties; Calum would spot someone he found attractive and would instantly make a beeline for them. More often than not, they would fall for his advances pretty quickly and they wouldn't see Calum for until the next day.

"Michael, get the fuck up." Bea eventually decided to wake her friend up so they could leave the house, and not have to assist in the cleaning up. It was a well-known and unwritten rule in the house party scene of Sydney that if you said at someone's house after a house party, whether you knew them or not, and you were one of the last five people there then you were to help clean up.

Bea clicked the home button on her phone to see the time was approaching 2pm and pretty soon most of the sleeping teenagers would be waking up, she wanted to be out of the house before that happened. But, of course, she couldn't leave without Michael; who was refusing to get up.

Michael had a lot to drink, probably twice as much as Bea, so he was fucked. She stood up, crept out to the kitchen and filled a glass with tap water. Michael was going to have a fit, but she didn't give a shit at that stage; she just wanted to leave this goddamn house.

When the water hit Michael's face, he didn't have much a reaction other than his eyes springing open and realising what Bea had done. She held a finger to her lips to tell him not to scream at her now, to wait until they got outside.

"What the fuck, Bea?!" Michael all but screamed as soon as they stepped onto the path outside. The volume of his voice made both of them cringe, they didn't do hangovers too well.

"You wouldn't wake up and we needed to leave." The girl responded, shrugging as she walked slightly ahead of her friend. Michael just shook his head and jogged a tiny bit to catch up with her. "Come on, I'll run home and grab some money and we can get some lunch."

She did feel kind of bad for pouring water on Michael, even if he did look hot with soaking wet hair, so she figured buying him lunch would make up for it. Bea sent a text to Calum, asking him where the fuck he was and if he wanted to go for lunch too.

"In class doing class stuff. Meet you in town later.", was the text Calum replied with. Between Calum and Bea, Calum definitely went to school more than she did. He didn't like admitting it, but he was pretty smart. The only subject Calum didn't have even a small liking for was English; "it's my first language, I already know it, why do I have to learn it?"

"Calum's at school." Bea told Michael, who nodded with a small smile. Michael may have dropped out but he didn't want that for his friends, especially not Calum. Bea was stunningly beautiful, and Michael figured that if she were to drop out she would be scouted by a modelling agency anyway. Calum, according to Michael, was so smart that he was going to be the guy to cure cancer so he needed to stay in school. "He's gonna meet us later."

Michael didn't get a chance to respond, as they had arrived outside Bea's house and she was jogging up the driveway to go inside. Her parents were both at work so she didn't have to worry about sneaking around or getting caught.

Bea ran up the stairs, tearing her top off as she went (just to make things a little faster) and grabbed a shirt out of her drawers when she entered her room. She decided to change quickly and freshen herself up a little bit so she didn't walk around all day smelling like alcohol and looking like a truck hit her.

So, she wiped last night's make-up off her face, not bothering to reapply it and threw on some denim shorts with a fitted tank top. She wasn't too long, but she knew Michael and she knew that anything longer than two minutes was far too long in Michael's mind. She grabbed her bag and switched off the light in her room.

She locked the door of her house again and turned to face the neighbourhood, seeing Michael sitting on the grass in her front garden, pulling blades of grass up and throwing them away.

"Impatient as always, I see." Bea laughed, holding out a hand for Michael to take and pull himself up. When he got up, the pair didn't pull their hands apart, instead they stayed with their fingers laced together and made their way into town.

It wasn't a romantic gesture, at least not to Bea and Michael, it was just a friendly habit they had. They both liked the comfort of holding hands with the only person in the world they trusted with their life.


The pair found themselves sitting in a McCafe, their idea of lunch. Both had ordered the exact same thing, a caramel iced coffee and a blueberry muffin. It was their thing. As was people-watching, which they were doing as they sat near the window of the restaurant.

"What do you think that women is going into that building for?" Bea questioned, pointing to a red-haired woman across the street, pressing the buzzer on the door of a building.

"Casting couch." Michael smirked as Bea swatted his hand.

"It's always about sex with you." She rolled her eyes, but had to laugh at Michael's humour. Michael just shrugged, tearing off a piece of his muffin and popping it into his mouth.

"What do you think this big dork is doing?" Michael asked with a slight giggled as he pointed behind Bea toward someone walking up the street in the direction of the McCafe. Bea turned to see Calum and waved at him to get his attention. He spotted the two of them quickly and rushed inside.

"What's up?" He asked them, as he took a piece of Michael's muffin before he could react.

"I need to buy some stuff after this." Bea told them, and the two of them nodded. "You two can go off and do your own thing for a while if you want."

"Wait, what do you need to buy?" Michael raised his eyebrows at the girl, who rolled her eyes at him.


"Of the sexy variety?" The red-haired boy asked with a smirk, to which Bea winked in reply. "I can't wait to tear it off you."

A few minutes later, the three of them left the McCafe and walked toward the lingerie store. Calum and Michael stood outside, while Bea went in.

"Hey, there's that Sadie girl." Calum nodded his head toward the girl across the road with her boyfriend. Michael just grunted in response, he didn't give a shit if he was honest. He had barely spoken to Sadie in about twelve years and he couldn't stand her boyfriend. Luke Hemmings, bastard.

He didn't even remember what had caused him to hate Luke so much, but he figured it had to be a good enough reason if he had managed to hate the boy for all these years. Michael had completely zoned out as Calum rambled on about how hot hot Sadie was.

"And their friends with that guy, Ashton, he's pretty hot too." Michael only heard the last bit of what Calum said. He didn't bother to respond and a few seconds later Bea walked out of the shop with two bags in hand.

"Am I going to get a little preview tonight?" Michael asked, wrapping an arm around Bea's waist as he tried to peer into her bag to see what she had bought. All he could see was some red fabric, and red was definitely Bea's colour.


sorry it took so long to update and sorry it's a kind of shitty chapter but hey

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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