Two - Bea

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Beatrice Hastings was never going to be a good girl, even from a young age it was clear that her main priority was to rebel. When she was five, she took two lollipops out of the bag when her mum said she could have one, Beatrice didn't even like lollipops that much but she still felt the urge to break the rule.

But she wasn't your average bad girl either, yeah sure she broke a few rules every now and then and she skipped school more than she attended it, but she wasn't a mean spirited person. Not in the slightest, Beatrice Hastings was probably the sweetest person you'd ever meet. That is, if she ever let you come close enough to see past the bad girl smoke screen. Outside she was all leather and cigarettes, but on the inside she was so much more.

So, when you think of the typical bad girl, if you didn't know her, you'd probably think of Beatrice Hastings. And she was okay with everyone thinking that too.

When Beatrice turned thirteen she decided that Beatrice wasn't the name that she wanted for herself, so she asked for everyone to call her 'Bea' and thus, Bea Hastings was born. Now, at eighteen, she spent most days sleeping at her friends' apartments and most nights partying and having sex.

School wasn't her strong suit, I mean she was rather intelligent but she just didn't care about French and Maths in the slightest. Bea wanted to be an artist, she wanted to put the world in awe with her paintings, and she definitely didn't need Pascal's triangle for that.


"Bea, where the fuck are you?" The voice of Michael Clifford, Bea's best friend and occasional fuck buddy, whined down the phone. Michael was waiting for her outside a liquor store, he was eighteen and perfectly legal but he also seemed to forget his ID when he needed it most.

"Calm the fuck down, Clifford, I'm on the way. I got a haircut so I was running a little late." The newly short-haired girl replied as she lifted open her bedroom window and prepared for the descent she'd made many times before.

"Don't tell me you got it cut short? Bea?" Michael sighed into the phone, he told Bea to never get her hair cropped short because short hair didn't suit many girls and he didn't think Bea would be an exception. "You got it cut short, didn't you?"

"Mm-hm." The girl replied before sticking her phone in her pocket for a minute as she began shimmying down the drainpipe attached to her house.

"You know there's such thing as a front door." Her next neighbour, Sadie Lex, announced with a smile that Bea would have returned if she wasn't so afraid that her parents would hear the conversation between the two.

"Shut up, Lex." She replied in a voice too quiet to be a normal speaking tone but not quiet enough to be classed as a whisper. "You'll get me in trouble."

Yeah, Bea may have played this bad girl persona but when it came to actually getting in trouble for breaking certain rules, Bea was like a six year old. She didn't mind fucking up in school; skipping class and writing on the bathroom walls. But breaking her parents' rules was another story, mostly because she didn't want to take it too far and possibly get kicked out.

"Well maybe if you actually behaved, you wouldn't get in trouble." Sadie pointed out like it was the easiest thing in the world, and maybe it was. But nothing about Bea was easy (well, except maybe getting into her pants).

Bea jumped off the drainpipe when she was about two feet off the ground, as she landed she started walking toward Sadie. She probably should have left straight away to go meet Michael, after all he was possibly the most impatient person on the planet and she didn't want to deal with his complaints if she left him waiting any longer. To be honest, he could have gone back to his house and got his own goddamn ID in the time it had taken Bea to leave her house.

"You know something Sade?"


"Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." Bea smirked, as if she had just imparted some philosophical wisdom onto Sadie, when honestly what she said confused even herself a little bit. But still, she winked at her neighbour before running off down the road; ready for whatever type of party she might find herself at tonight.


Bea arrived at the liquor store about ten minutes later where Michael was leaning up against one of the houses attached to it, with his earphones stuff into his ears and his bright red hair peeking out from under his snapback.

"Thank fuck, I've been standing here for half an hour!" Michael exclaimed when he noticed Bea walking toward him. "Oh shit, you look hot with your new hair."

There was no way Michael could deny how great Bea looked with short hair; if he wasn't so stuck for words, he'd probably be eating his own.

"Hey, maybe we should skip the party and just go back to my place for a party of our own." The ever sexually frustrated boy stated, placing his hands on Bea's hips to pull her a little bit closer to him. Michael had dropped out of school the school the year before and with the help of a part-time job and a small trust fund he inherited from his grandparents when he turned eighteen, he found a tiny apartment for himself. It was dingy and he didn't have a real bed, just a mattress, but it was the independence was all that mattered to him.

There wasn't really a romantic attraction between Bea and Michael, they were just good for when the other needed sex. And boy, did they need sex a lot. Somehow in the midst of all the hooking up, Bea and Michael managed to stay as close as they were when they became best friends at age eight.

"Nah, not to tonight, Clifford. I wanna party." Bea flashed a cheeky smile at her friend before dashing into the store to buy as much alcohol as they could with what little money they had.


hey there!

if you're reading this and you've never read one of our stories before go check out outta my limit and it's sequel disconnected

that's pretty much it ily


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