Violetta's P.O.V
Fran-Nope. Next outfit.
Fran is helping me pick out an outfit for my date with Alex but all she seems to be doing is critising my clothes!
Vilu-Fine what about this one?
Fran gives me a thumbs up.
Fran-Oh I need to call Marco.
Fran goes outside while I change. I decide to curl my hair and wear red lipstick with no eye shadow.
Fran-Bad news Vilu...
Vilu-What? Did Alex cancel?
Fran-No Marco did so I guess that I can't go.
Vilu-You planned this didn't you?
Fran nods and I sigh.
Vilu-Well I'm not going.
Fran-Please for me?
Vilu-I don't even know the guy!
Fran-But you could get to know him
Vilu-You owe me for this.
Fran-He's here!
We run down stairs and as we open it, we see Leon.
Vilu-Why are you here?
Leon-Sorry are you going out?
Vilu-Yeah I have a date.
Leon-Oh right...
Alex-Violetta? Is something going on?
Leon-You are going out with him?
Leon-Violetta we need to talk.
Vilu-2 minutes. Alex I will be right down.
Leon and I go up to my room and he closes the door.
Vilu-Why are you here?
Leon-I wanted to see you.
Vilu-Are you f*cking serious? Honestly Leon! What did you hear about this somehow?
Leon-I swear that I didn't know. But Violetta, I want to be with you.
Vilu-Too late.I don't date...
Leon-Well you obviously do!
Vilu-Guys like you.
Leon-What? Guys like me?
Vilu-Yeah. Pompous, obnoxious jerks who think that they can get any girl. I can't stand guys like you ,Leon.
Leon-I'm not how you make me sound. Even if I am, I would change for you.
Vilu-Of course you would! You would be the perfect boyfriend and then something better would come along and you would leave. That's just how guys are..
He takes my hand.
Leon-Not all guys.
I pull away.
Vilu-No Leon.
Fran then pokes her head through the door.
Fran-Guys, I don't mean to rush you but Alex is getting tired of waiting.
Vilu-It's OK Fran. Leon was leaving.
We walk out of my room and downstairs to find Alex sitting on the couch.
Alex-It's about time! We will miss our reservation at this rate.
Vilu-About that, I can't go.
They all look at me but I look at Leon as I speak.
Vilu-I just remembered that I don't date.
Alex-You what?
Fran-Violetta, not again...
Vilu-Yes again and right now I wanna be alone do can you all leave?
They all walk slowly out of the door and I see Angie come out of the kitchen sipping her tea.
Angie-Oh you look pretty!
Fran's P.O.V
What's going on with Violetta? It's so weird for her to kick me out like that.
I start walking down the street when I see Diego driving and he pulls over.
Fran-Cool car.
Diego-I know. Wanna ride?
Fran-(Sarcatically) OMG! A ride in Diego Hernandez's car! I am so lucky!
Diego chuckles.
Diego-But seriously though, it's about to start raining.
Fran-Fine why not?

High School
FanfictionVioletta,Camila and Francesca are best friends and are popular.When they start attending Buenos Aires High School, what will happen? Will they make friends? Enemies? Maybe find Love? Or just stir things up and cause drama? Warning-Strong Language