Violetta's P.O.V
(In Violetta's Room)
Leon and I are making out on my bed when the door opens.
Fran-Vilu I...Oh!
Vilu-What are you doing?
Leon-I should go. Bye Vilu.
Leon grabs his shirt and then he walks out awkwardly as Fran sits on my bed.
Fran-Is he a good kisser?
Vilu-Yeah..but that's not what we are talking about! What is so important that you broke into my room to tell me?
Fran-I...D...I can't. It's too embarrassing.
Vilu-Well after what just happened, I want something embarrassing to happen to you now.
Fran-In class I...dreamt of Diego.
Vilu-You what?
Fran-I had a dream and he was there and I thought it was real but then Angie woke me up in front of the whole class and then...
Vilu-Slow down! Marco?
Fran-We broke up.I dumped him...for Diego but Diego doesn't know that.
Vilu-You dreamt about it? You weirdo!
Fran-Stop Vilu. I came to you with this because I wanted some advice.
Vilu-Fine.Tell Diego how you feel. If you broke up with Marco then this means that you are serious about your feelings right?
Fran-I am. He even took the blame for me!
Vilu-He what?
Fran-He told Mr Galindo that it was all him and that he framed me. He is in so much trouble even though he didn't do anything.
Vilu-Diego did nothing? I find that hard to believe...
Fran-Stop Violetta! This is serious because I feel so guilty.
Vilu-Don't. It was his decision.
Vilu-Listen, Diego confessed and it had nothing to do with you so forget about it.
Fran-Fine.Thanks Vilu.
She gives me a hug just as Cami then walks in and sits on the bed.
Cami-Hey! How come I wasn't invited to this little party?
Fran-Cool it, I was just about to leave.
Cami-Well I need to speak to Viola here.
Vilu-You spoke to Jade didn't you?
Cami and Fran burst out laughing.
Cami-Wow that bimbo can't even get your name right Tell me why your Dad is with her?
Vilu-Hey, I am just as confused as you. She is such a bitch! She basically called me ugly and Dad said nothing!
Cami-Well he's in love. And she's in love with his bank account.
Vilu-How can he not see what a gold-digging skank she is?
Vilu-What? My Mom would be so ashamed to see him with Jade.
Fran-Isn't the..umm anniversary of her um..
Vilu-Death? Yeah, in a few days.
Cami-How you holding up kiddo?
Vilu-Fine and don't call me that.
Cami-I was just trying it out...
Vilu-My Dad isn't mentioning it and Angie puts on a brave face for me but I just..don't know what to think. I don't know whether to cry or look at pictures or read her diary...
Fran-You still read her diary?
Cami-OMG you used to carry it around until you were like 9!
Vilu-I felt closer to her but when I found out about Angie, I didn't feel like I needed to read it since Angie told me everything about her. I really wish that she was here....
Fran-I know...
Vilu-It's just...Angie is trying to replace her almost and my Dad thinks that I am a failure...
Fran-He doesn't think that...
Vilu-He is ashamed of me.
Someone knocks on the door and Jade then walks in.
Jade-It's dinner time and your Dad says that your friends need to leave now.
Vilu-Well I'm not hungry so they can stay.
Jade-Don't start something,Darling. You won't win.
Cami-We will leave...Come on Fran.
Cami and Fran walk out and Jade closes the door.
Jade-I heard everything that you and your pathetic friends said.
Vilu-You can hear? Congrats Jade(!)
Jade-Funny. Now listen little girl, your father and I are together whether you like it or not.
Vilu-OK, can you get out now?
Jade-I suggest that you come down to dinner with a smile on your face or lets just say that we will have problems.
Cami's P.O.V
Fran-So this is your house?
Cami-Yep, thanks for walking me.
Fran-Your house looks so nice. How come you have never invited Vilu or I inside?
Cami-My Mom doesn't like visitors.
Fran-What about your Dad?
Cami-He's....away a lot. Because of work.Now I really gotta go.
Fran-What does he do?
Fran-What stuff?
Cami-Why do you ask so many fucking questions?!
Fran-Fine...See you at school.
Fran walks away slowly and I feel kinda bad.I wait until she is out of sight and I continue walking down the road.
It's become really dark and cold and because of the wind, I have this feeling as if I hear voices behind me.
I keep walking until I reach the end of a very large road and then I see two tall men standing in my way.
Man #1-Hey look she's a pretty young thing isn't she?
Cami-Just get out of my way.
Man #2-No can do.
OK Camila, you are gonna get out of this.
Cami-Stop bothering me.
Man #1-Oh that's cute.
One of the men grabs me and pushes me against the wall in an alleyway. He puts his face really close to mine and I can smell the alcohol on his breath.I try to push him off of me but he is too strong. I then kick him in the shin and try to run away but the other man grabs me and pushes me on the floor.
Cami-Just leave me alone!
One of them grab me and as I struggle to get free, the other falls on the floor and I stare.
?-Let go of her now!

High School
FanfictionVioletta,Camila and Francesca are best friends and are popular.When they start attending Buenos Aires High School, what will happen? Will they make friends? Enemies? Maybe find Love? Or just stir things up and cause drama? Warning-Strong Language