Leon's P.O.V
I am so glad to be rid of that b*tch! I hated being with Ludmila! Now that I am single, I can be with Violetta. Who am I kidding? It isn't going to be so easy. Violetta doesn't want a boyfriend but hopefully I can change her mind.
Diego walks over to me and puts his arm around me.
Diego-I feel bad for you bro.
Leon-What do you mean?
Diego- I mean losing Ludmila. Wow that girl was...
Leon-A b*tch?
Diego-I was going to say hot but I understand why you hate her. Girls are complicated.
I look over to Violetta.
Leon-They sure are.
Diego-I mean Francesca is..
Leon-Wait, she is the girl that you are talking about? I mean she's not ugly however she is Marco's girl. Bros before h*es,Diego.
Diego-Well that h*e as you like to call her is into me.
Leon-Whatever...Find somebody else.Like Cami.
We look over to Cami who is cussing out a girl who is wearing the same outfit as her.
Diego-I don't think so. If we broke up, just imagine what she would do to me.
Leon-Good point.
Violetta's P.O.V
Fran-Oh just give him a chance Vilu!
Vilu-I am not going to date Leon!
Fran-But he is cute!
Marco-Excuse me?
Fran-I mean...for Vilu.And he is interested.
Vilu-But I am not.
Cami-Guys are d*ckheads. Forget them.
Marco-Not all guys.
Cami-Well I don't really see you as a guy. I see you as Fran's boyfriend.
Vilu-It's just...I don't want to be hurt again.
Cami-And you won't, if you stay single
Fran-Stop telling her that.
Maxi-Umm Cami, are you and Broduey a thing?
Cami-No why?
Maxi-Because he looks kinda cozy with that girl over there.
We all turn around and we see Broduey hugging this girl. She has a beautiful face with long brown hair.
Cami-Who gives a f*ck anyway? Broduey and I aren't together so he can hug whoever he wants.
We can all see that Cami is jealous and it doesn't help when Broduey walks up to us.
Broduey-Hey guys.
Cami-Speaking of d*ckheads...
Broduey-What's wrong Cami?
Cami-Nothing. Everything is fine!
Broduey-Well do you want to go out tonight? We could...
Cami-No Broduey. I am not into dating guys like you.
Broduey-Guys like me?
Cami-Yes.Dipsh*ts. See you guys later.
Cami walks off and Broduey frowns.
Vilu-If you don't want to be hurt, I suggest that you leave her alone.
Maxi-She's right.
Broduey walks off and Leon walks up to us.
Leon-Hey what's up with Cami? I just saw her crying while running down the hall.
Fran-Marco lets see if we can find her.
Maxi-I'll come.
They leave me and Leon alone.
Vilu-She is just upset but she will calm down soon. Thanks for asking.
Leon-Well Cami is a nice girl...most of the time...So are you.
He leans closer to me but I step back.
Leon-Sorry I just..
Vilu-Don't apologise. Anyway I gotta get to class.
Leon-Can I walk you?
Vilu-Um you probably shouldn't. See ya.
I walk off .
Cami's P.O.V
Uggh! I hate him! I don't even understand this. I mean Broduey isn't in my league and I am jealous? I just need to clear my head and stop crying.
I bump into Diego and as I try to get past him, he stands in my way.
Diego-Cami? Are you crying?
Cami-Get out of my way before I hurt you
Diego-Come on, talk to me.
He leads me into the empty library and we sit together.
Cami-I just got worked up over something, that's all...
Diego-You mean Broduey?
Cami-No! Of course not Broduey!
Diego-I know that you like him...
Cami-You know what? F*ck this.
I stand up up he pulls me back down in my seat.
Diego-How long do you think that you can just bury your feelings? Because trust me, when yo bury your feelings, they come right back up to get you.
Cami-Are you seriously trying to compare me to you? Sorry but I am not in the mood to listen to your story of "How daddy never loved me".
Diego-See? You always try to push people away. Why are you like this Cami?
I suddenly lose it and cry in Diego's arms.
Diego-I got you.
Fran's P.O.V
We have looked everywhere for Cami and we can't find her.
Fran-Where would she go Maxi?
Maxi-Somewhere where she won't be found. Like the library?
Fran-Like she would ever be caught dead in a library.
Marco-It's worth a try.
I roll my eyes as we open the library door quietly and sneak in.
Fran-(Whispers) I don't see her.
We look around and Maxi looks through a gap in the bookshelves and gasps quielty.
Maxi-(Whispers) Guys look!
Marco and I look through the gap and gasp.
We see Cami and Diego making out on the table and it looks pretty heated.
I don't know why but seeing that really hurt me. Cami is my best friend and Diego is...well I am not sure. The guy that I have feelings for? I am confused but all I am sure of is that my heart feels broken...
Sorry for not updating but I hope that I made up for it with this chapter!
Sabrina xxxx

High School
FanfictionVioletta,Camila and Francesca are best friends and are popular.When they start attending Buenos Aires High School, what will happen? Will they make friends? Enemies? Maybe find Love? Or just stir things up and cause drama? Warning-Strong Language