Violetta's P.O.VAs Fran and I walk out of the house, I am still in disbelief. Cami ran away? Why would she do that to us? To her mother?
Vilu-What are we going to do,Fran?
Fran-Go to the police! What else are we going to go? Go look for her?
Vilu-Maybe we could find her...
Fran-You are kidding right? Cami is clever, she wouldn't go to an obvious place.
Vilu-The police will take ages to find her! We need her back, now!
Fran-Well we can't and I'm not going to try.
Vilu-I can't believe what I'm hearing! You would'nt help look for her? She is your best friend,Francesca! She could be in danger!
Fran-Then you go look for her!
Fran storms off and leaves me in the street. Well I'm going to find her with or without Francesca's help.
Ludmila's P.O.V
(At Lunch)
Naty-Hey Maxi , where are the others?
Maxi-If you mean Fran and Vilu, I think that they are cutting class.
Fran then storms in and slumps down in the chair next to Maxi.
Maxi-I stand corrected but where's Violetta?
Fran-Who cares?
Naty-Maxi does or he obviously wouldn't have asked.
Maxi-Thanks honey. Where is she?
Fran-Probably out looking for that bitch, Camila...
Maxi-What do you mean "looking for her"?
Fran-She ran away Maxi.
Maxi-Ran away? And you are just sitting here? We need to be out looking for her!
Fran-If you mean "we" then you mean you and Violetta.
Maxi-How can you say that? After everything that Cami has done for you!
Fran stands up and gets in Maxi's face.
Fran-"Everything that she has done"? You mean destroy me? She has ruined my life rather then do anything positive and I hope that she stays gone!
Fran picks up her bag and walks out of the cafeteria.
Diego's P.O.V
Alicia-What's wrong with Francesca?
Diego-No idea. Maybe I should go see if she's ok?
Alicia-No, you are with me.Anyway my sister is here. You can't just leave.
Vanessa-It's quite cool to meet the "infamous" Diego. I have heard a lot about you....from a lot of girls around the school....
Diego-I'm not like that anymore.
Alicia-Yeah, he changed for me.
Vanessa-Alicia, get me another drink will ya?
Alicia gets up and goes to the till while Vanessa sits on the chair right next to me.
Diego-So it's really cool to...
Vanessa-So you are hot and so am I so why don't we hook up? Call me sometime.
She then gets up and leaves while Alicia walks back holding a water bottle.
Alicia-Well that was a complete waste of my time! What were you talking about?
Diego-Oh nothing....
Leon's P.O.V
Leon-Tomas is such a prick...
Fede-So do you think that Diego will ever hang out with us again? I mean he used to me so cool! We did dares and he was a player and now everything is different.
Marco-Well I guess that we all grew up I guess. I mean we all....I mean almost all have girlfriends now and they are pretty time-occupying.
Leon-Thanks man.
Marco-No problem.
Fede-Well they shouldn't! We should still make time for each other! I think that we should tell our girlfriends this.
Leon-Good luck.
Fede-Marco will be fine.
Leon-I meant you. Do you even know your girlfriend?
Fede-Right. Well it was nice knowing you guys...
Marco-Also Leon, stop being jealous of Tomas! He's not worth it!
Leon-Who's jealous?! Me jealous of that dickhead? You are crazy man...
Marco-Just because he is dating Violetta....
Leon-You don't know what it's like! I'm in love with her and she turned me down...This sucks guys....
Fede-Are you seriously opening up to us about your feelings? (!)
Marco-Stop it Federico.
Fede-Well I'm going to go to class, coming?
Leon-In a minutes.
Fede gets up and walks over to Ludmila as she is leaving too.
Marco-Don't worry Leon, I am sure that it will work out for you and Violetta.
Leon-I sure hope so.
Fran's P.O.V
Now I feel quite bad. It's just how could Camila do something so stupid? I just can't even feel sorry for her, I just can't care. I'm trying and I'm trying to hard not to feel so happy that she's gone. Maybe or finally I will be able to live my life how I want without her controlling things.
As I walk down the hall, Maxi runs towards me and looks concerned.
Maxi-Fran , I have some news...
Maxi-That was Mr Castillo.
Fran-What did he want?
Maxi-To know if we've seen Violetta...
Maxi-Her closet is missing clothes and money is missing from their safe.
Fran-She didn't....
Maxi-I think that she went to go look for Cami.....
So that was the last chapter! Sorry if it wasn't too good....
I have LOVED writing this book (I know that I say that after I finish everyone but I MEAN IT EVERYTIME) and I am writing a sequel. I am not sure when the sequel will be released, probably when I finish my next book. So I will either post my new book tonight or tomorrow (I'm not too sure) but thanks for reading at all the comments really make me feel good when I read so love you guys xx
Sabrina xx

High School
FanfictionVioletta,Camila and Francesca are best friends and are popular.When they start attending Buenos Aires High School, what will happen? Will they make friends? Enemies? Maybe find Love? Or just stir things up and cause drama? Warning-Strong Language