Tale of Three Mages, Part Two

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Several days have come and gone, and at the moment, nightfall had befallen the Forest of Bryn. Where day time creatures have turned in for the night, night time creatures emerged to forage, seek new territory, and some hunted for their next meal.

Knowing that nocturnal predators could appear at any given moment, Zorlon had casted a barrier spell to specifically keep such creatures at bay. To do this, he had extracted sap from a tree and poured a circle around the campsite. After that, he sprinkled fairy dust on the sap, chanting wiccan spells which created invisible barrier which kept predators out, but they could he and the kids could still exit. At least He, as well as Tazma and Malvaron, wouldn't have to worry about getting attacked by predators in their sleep.

Yet, predators were the least of what was on poor young Malvaron's mind. He knew his parents were out there, he just wished he knew where. He then turned his attention to Zorlon's staff. It seemed like a pretty powerful relic. For such a young boy, Malvaron was very smart, and he thought this staff might help augment his own little bit of magic, that he and his sister evidently possessed.

Ever curious, Malvaron snuck over to the staff, trying very hard not to wake the older mage, who was seemingly fast asleep. Being as quiet as a mouse, he managed to take the staff, walking a little way from the campsite to practice with it. Little did he know, Zorlon was actually hardly asleep, and noticed Malvaron took the staff, opening one eye to see the young mage waking away with it. Without hesitation, Zorlon followed the young mage.

Malvaron went to a nearby stream to practice with the staff. He tried several stances to try and activate it. He even tried tapping it on the ground, swinging it a few times, causing him to fall into the shallow stream. Ultimately, all his attempts failed, much to the boy's annoyance.

"You're going about it wrong.", Said Zorlon, having appeared seemingly out of nowhere. He held out his hand in a gesture to see his staff. Malvaron, somewhat disheartened, gave Zorlon his staff, to which the mage demonstrated his magic abilities.

"The staff is not a source of power, but rather an extension to your entire being. It helps you channel your abilities, and control them." In that moment, he tapped on the ground just once, and collected a small portion of water from the stream "The key is focus. Once you focus your abilities, it is under your command. I take it you know magic?"

"I know a little." Said Malvaron, "Mommy and Daddy did magic. Tazma is better at it though. I'm learning, but I don't know if I'll be any good."

"Learning is what's important, little one. I wasn't that good at magic when I was young. But the more you learn, the better you get."

Zorlon gestured Malvaron to use his magic to lift a piece of the water. Raising a hand, the young mage focused on the stream as hard as he could. Once concentrated hard enough, he lifted a small sphere of water from the stream. Zorlon placed a hand on Malvaron's shoulder, letting him know he did well. Malvaron was very happy by that. He had a long way to go, but he was on his way to greatness.

Yet all joy was cut short. For Zorlon sensed an evil presence. Clearly they were not alone. Malvaron could sense it as well, and as such he stayed close to Zorlon. The mighty mage stood there waiting for the evil to reveal itself, is staff already glowing, ready for action.

As if on cue, a skeleton warrior jumped right out of the bushes, ready to cut both mages in two with a terrifying blade. In the nick of time, Zorlon blocks the blade with his staff, then kicks the skeleton away, then twirls his staff and unleashes a blue fireball which disintegrated the skeleton to ash. Malvaron was scared, but at the same time he was also very impressed, having gotten a glance of Zorlon's power first hand. But despite the skeleton's demise, Zorlon knew they weren't out of danger yet. After all, where there was one, there were sure to be more.

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