Tale of Three Mages, Part One

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The Forest of Bryn. A beautiful forest, full of many sorts of strange flora and fauna. The plants were a healthy, bright green, wood sprites flourished, and snarwiches played their little songs. All seemed peaceful on the surface. Yet, such as all nature, beauty and horror go hand in hand; dangerous creatures such as funganoids, giant snakes, wolves, and manticores roamed these woods. Here, it was eat, or be eaten.

In a slow flowing stream, there was a trout swimming leisurely without a care in the world. Alas, its swimming spree was cut short, as a strange phenomenon was happening. A light blue aura was glowing around it, and it had started floating above the water's surface. The poor trout was struggling to break free, but it was no use. It was brought to the surface, where it was met by a very tall man, with raggedy clothing, a long beard, blue eyes, and long raven hair. This was Zorlon. In his right hand, he carried a dark brown staff which had a moon shaped scepter on top with a blue gem. It was glowing a bright blue color. It was he who levitated the fish from the water. He looks on at his catch, he knows he'll eat well tonight.

Zorlon then heads back to his camp with his catch. It was a simple set up, consisting of a tent made of rags, a lantern, and a pile of firewood. He gathered several pieces of firewood, to which he conjured a fire spell to light up said firewood. He then proceeds to roast the trout over the fire, trying to cook it as evenly as possible. When it was done, he took a bite. It tasted alright, though it was still hot, so he set it to the side to cool a little. Definitely not like his wife use to cook, he thought. That's when he took out a lockett, which had a picture of his late wife and baby daughter.


Xalia Sunheart, without a doubt the most beautiful mage Zorlon had ever laid eyes on. Her magic aura was a beautiful ruby red, had long brown hair that reached her lower body, had green eyes, and wore a casual red dress. And together, they had a beautiful baby girl, about four months old. She had the exact same eyes as her father, and she surely would look like her mother when she was older. Zorlon smiled a little upon looking at this picture, with flashbacks to the good times coming to him.

But then, a horrific flashback reared its ugly head. He was coming home with a rather large fish, at least five feet long, when he saw his cottage on fire. He saw two armored skeletons leave the cottage. They attacked him, but out of fury, he made short work of the skeletons with his powerful magic. He rushed in to help Xalia and their child, not concerned of endangering himself with the roaring flames. But alas, he was too late. They were gone. Cries of grief could be heard from the distance. In the end, he had to bury them both.


The flash back came to a halt from there. Zorlon sighed with despair. "What have I done in a previous life to have such a punishment bear down upon me?", he wondered out loud. He then pulled out a fife to play a sad little tune. He played a fairly long while until he heard banjo music. His music unintentionally attracted a banjo bellied snarwich. The beast wore a sad face upon hearing Zorlon's sad tune. Zorlon seemed cautious at first. Though he knew snarwiches are docile, and at times friendly creatures, he also knew they could be quite fierce if ever provoked.

Out of curiosity, Zorlon played a few notes to see if the snarwich would mimic him. Sure enough, the lumbering beast mimicked the notes spot on. Zorlon then started to play a happier tune, to which the snarwich played along, wearing a smile. It was a nice duet to say the least. Zorlon couldn't help but chuckle afterwards. At least his mood brightened. Out of appreciation, Zorlon shared half his fish with the snarwich. The beast was all too happy to accept its half, gulping down his half in a single bite. Once again, Zorlon chuckled.

Unfortunately, all fun and games were cut short at the whiff of smoke. Instinctively, the snarwich fled. Yet, curiosity got the best of Zorlon. He quickly grabbed his staff and ran that direction. Using his magic, he was able to go faster than any normal man ever could. When he arrived at the scene, he discovered a cabin burning. This brought back horrid memories all over again. At first, he was about to leave, thinking it was too late. Yet, before he could move another foot, he heard screaming from inside the cabin. Someone needed help... and Zorlon was going to be that help.

Without hesitation, the brave mage kicked down the door. The fire was getting stronger, and he was coughing due to the horrid smoke. Nevertheless, he had braved through it and tried to search every nook and cranny that wasn't on fire. He heard the screaming again, coming from a bedroom he approached it and saw the two children hiding under a bed. One was a boy, who didn't seem much older than six years old, with brown skin and black hair. Holding him closely was a girl with similar colored skin, and whitish blond hair, and had to be at least eight.

"Come with me, hurry!", Zorlon urged. At first the siblings were uncertain, but acknowledging the fire around them, they knew there wasn't much choice. They walked up to Zorlon, to which he picked them both up and jumped right out the window. He panted a fair bit due to the rush. Once he settled down, he turned his attention to the kids, who were scared stiff.

"No need to fear little ones, you're safe now." Zorlon said warmly. "Where are your parents?" He had a cold feeling he already knew, but he had to be sure.

"They're gone... they took them away." The boy said, forming tears in his eyes. He cried heavily, with Zorlon trying to calm him. The girl had tears too, but they were more tears of rage than sadness. With that, Zorlon carried them off and headed back to his campsite.

After a long walk, to which no one has said a word, Zorlon successfully carried the kids to his campsite, which was surprisingly undisturbed. He set both siblings down gently. The girl just sat there, with an angered expression. Zorlon walked up to converse with her.

"I'm sorry for your loss. Believe me, I know what it's like to lose loved ones."

"My parents are still out there. And when I find the monsters that took them they will pay!" Said the girl, with vengeance on her mind.

"Vengeance is like a rabid beast. If let loose from its cage, it will do harm not only to you, but those around you." Zorlon then sat next to the girl, with the boy sitting on the other side next to Zorlon. "What are your names?"

The girl thought for a moment. She wasn't sure she should tell him at first, but since he saved their lives, she figured they owed him something.

"My name is Tazma Grimm. That brat next to you is my little brother, Malvaron."

Young Malvaron was disheartened after being called a brat. Yet Zorlon patted him on the shoulder, assuring him all would be alright.

"It's nice to meet you two, even under such circumstances. I'm Zorlon Icestone. Don't worry, I'll take care of you both. I promise"

Somewhat assured, Tazma walked with Zorlon to the campfire, still blazing as he abruptly left it. Zorlon could tell Tazma had such anger, and was beginning to worry she'd find a path to the dark arts. He would have to keep an eye on her for sure. For the moment, they all just watch the campfire blaze away.

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